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Short circuit, also known as a lateral fault, is a major cause of disruption in the normal and safe operation of power systems. There are four common types of short circuit situations: three-phase short circuit, two-phase short circuit, single-phase grounding short circuit, and two-phase grounding short circuit. Traditional mathematical analysis of power system faults involves a large amount of work and high risks. In this project, MATLAB software is used to simulate and analyze power system short circuit faults, which not only reflects the actual conditions accurately but also reduces the risks associated with experiments.
The first step is to create an empty model and select modules from the Simulink component library that are related to power system modeling. Models for both infinite power supply systems and finite power supply systems are built to simulate the occurrence of the four types of short circuit situations. Mathematical calculations are then performed to determine the magnitude of the periodic current and the magnitude of the transient current for three-phase short circuits in two different power supply systems. Through system simulations and calculations, it is demonstrated that using MATLAB software for power system simulation is convenient, efficient, and highly reliable.
Overall, the use of MATLAB for short circuit fault analysis and simulation in power systems provides a fast and reliable solution that accurately reflects real-world conditions. This approach not only enhances the safety of experiments but also streamlines the analysis process. By combining simulation and mathematical calculations, the results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness and validity of utilizing MATLAB for power system analysis.
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