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"Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ - Applications in Finance" 是一本由 Steve Dalton 撰写的书籍,旨在为读者提供创建强大且可靠的Excel插件的指南。本书聚焦于使用C和C++开发Excel自定义函数时可能遇到的问题,帮助读者避免试错过程,利用Excel C API实现高效性能。作者期望此书能成为类似《C编程语言》和《C语言数值分析》那样有价值的参考书籍。 在书中,Dalton假设读者具有坚实的C/C++基础、良好的Excel操作知识,以及一定的VBA经验(尽管不是必须的)。他还要求读者理解基本的软件开发概念和技术。书中介绍了编码风格,并附带了一个示例添加项目,该项目演示了书中描述的重要或复杂的概念,展示了能够真正操作Excel时的潜力。示例项目基于作者在金融市场的专业背景,但这些技术同样适用于其他领域。 尽管书中涵盖了大量主题,但Dalton承认仍有许多可以扩展或包含的内容,对于那些期待更全面覆盖的读者,他对此表示歉意,并希望未来的版本能够弥补这些不足。Dalton回忆起自己初次接触电子表格应用是在1984年的Visicalc,尽管当时的系统缓慢且用途有限,但他认为电子表格的基本设计自始至终都是正确的。随着多年的发展,电子表格已成为不可或缺的工具,对于某些用户而言,标准功能往往不够用,而这正是本书的目标受众。 本书主要涵盖以下知识点: 1. **Excel插件开发基础**:解释如何使用C和C++创建DLL和XLL资源,以及与Excel的交互机制。 2. **Excel C API**:详细讨论如何利用Excel的C应用程序接口来扩展其功能。 3. **C/C++编程技巧**:针对Excel插件开发的最佳实践和陷阱,帮助开发者编写高效且稳定的代码。 4. **金融应用示例**:展示在金融领域中如何使用插件解决实际问题,例如数据分析和建模。 5. **软件开发概念**:强调了在开发过程中需要掌握的基本软件工程原则和方法。 6. **示例项目**:提供了实际的代码示例和项目,帮助读者理解并应用书中介绍的概念。 这本书适合那些需要扩展Excel功能、提高计算效率或实现定制化解决方案的开发者阅读,无论他们是否来自金融行业。通过本书,读者将能够掌握在C/C++环境下构建高效Excel插件的技能。
2009-06-09 上传
This book is intended to provide the reader with a guide to the issues involved with creating powerful and reliable add-ins for Excel. With years of use, many people build up the experience and understanding needed to create custom functions for Excel in C and C++. However, given the very limited books and resources available, this can be a largely trial-and-error process. The motivation in writing this book is to create something I wish I had had through the years: a coherent explanation of the relevant technology, what steps to follow, what pitfalls to avoid, and a good reference guide. With these things at your side, writing C/C++ DLL and XLL resources can be almost as easy as writing them in Visual Basic, but yields the enormous performance benefit of compiled C/C++ and the Excel C API. In setting goals for this book, I was particularly inspired by two excellent books that I have grown to admire more and more over the years, as they have repeatedly proven their worth; The C Programming Language (Kernighan and Ritchie) and Numerical Recipes in C (Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery), albeit that the style of C-coding of the latter can be somewhat dense. If this book achieves a fraction of the usefulness of either of these then you will, I hope, be happy to own it and I will be happy to have written it. This book is intended for anyone with at least solid C and/or C++ foundation skills, a good working knowledge of Excel, a little experience with VBA (though not necessary) and the need to make Excel do things it doesn’t really want to do, or do them faster, more cleanly, more flexibly. A reasonable grasp of basic software development concepts and techniques is assumed. (Section 1.1 Typographical and code conventions used in this book, on page 1, provides more detail of the coding style of the examples given.) The example add-in project included on the CD ROM is intended to demonstrate some of the most important or difficult concepts described in the book, as well as the possibilities that are opened up when you can really play with Excel. These reflect my professional background in the financial markets, although if you are not of that world, you should still find that the techniques described are very widely applicable. There is an enormous amount of material that could have been included in a book on this subject that has either been pared down to the briefest of coverage or omitted completely. I fully accept that there will be those who, perhaps rightly, feel that certain things should have been covered in a book that boasts such a title, and I can only apologise. Any future editions will, I hope, provide an opportunity to rectify the most heinous and unpopular of these shortcomings.
2023-06-07 上传