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"Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems Conference 2018 II" 是一个会议论文集,属于"Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing"系列的第764卷,由Radek Silhavy编辑。这个会议是第7届在线计算机科学会议的一部分,主要关注人工智能和算法在智能系统中的应用。此资源提供了英文无水印原版的PDF格式,可在多种PDF阅读器和浏览器中打开。内容涵盖人工智能领域的理论、应用和设计方法,涉及到工程、自然科学、计算机与信息科学等多个学科。 在"Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems"这一主题中,研究者们探讨了以下关键知识点: 1. 人工智能:人工智能是模拟、扩展和增强人类智能的科学与技术,包括机器学习、深度学习、自然语言处理、计算机视觉等子领域。这些技术在自动驾驶、智能家居、智能助手等领域有着广泛的应用。 2. 算法:算法是解决特定问题的明确步骤,对于人工智能至关重要。会议可能涵盖了各种优化算法(如遗传算法、粒子群优化)、机器学习算法(如支持向量机、决策树、神经网络)以及数据挖掘和分析算法。 3. 智能系统:智能系统是能够自主学习、适应和决策的系统,可以模仿人类智能的行为。这类系统通常包括嵌入式系统、分布式系统、自适应系统等,它们结合了硬件和软件来实现复杂任务。 4. 计算智能:计算智能包括模糊系统、神经网络、进化计算等软计算方法。这些方法在处理不确定性和非线性问题时特别有效。 5. 社交智能:研究如何让计算机理解和模拟人类的社交行为,包括协作、沟通和决策制定。 6. 环境智能:环境智能涉及使设备能感知并适应其周围环境,常用于智能家居和智能城市项目。 7. 计算神经科学:研究大脑的计算特性,以发展更高效的计算机模型。 8. 人工生命:模拟生物系统和进化过程,以理解生命的本质,并应用于系统设计。 9. 虚拟世界和社会:探讨虚拟现实、增强现实以及在线社区的构建和影响。 10. 认知科学与系统:研究人类认知过程的计算机模型,以便构建更智能的系统。 11. 感知:关于机器如何获取和理解来自外部世界的感官输入,如图像识别和声音识别。 通过这个会议,参与者有机会了解最新的研究成果,交流思想,并推动人工智能和算法在智能系统领域的创新和发展。对于研究人员、学者和行业从业者来说,这是一个宝贵的资源,可以帮助他们跟上这一快速发展的领域的步伐。
2018-01-10 上传
This volume of proceedings provides an opportunity for readers to engage with a selection of refereed papers that were presented at the Third International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (ISTA’17). ISTA aims to bring together researchers in related fields to explore and discuss various aspects of intelligent systems technologies and their applications. This edition was hosted by Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University, Manipal, India, during September 13–16, 2017. ISTA’17 was colocated with the Second International Conference on Applied Soft Computing and Communication Networks (ACN’17). All submissions were evaluated on the basis of their significance, novelty, and technical quality. A double-blind review process was conducted to ensure that the author names and affiliations were unknown to the TPC. These proceedings contain 34 papers selected for presentation at the symposium. We are very grateful to the many people who helped with the organization of the symposium. Our sincere thanks go to all authors for their interest in the symposium and to the members of the Program Committee for their insightful and careful reviews, all of which were prepared on a tight schedule but still received in time. The conference could not have happened without the commitment of the Local Organizing Committee, who helped in many ways to assemble and run the con- ference. We are grateful to the General Chairs for their support. We express our most sincere thanks to all keynote speakers who shared with us their expertise and knowledge. Finally, we would like to acknowledge Springer for active cooperation and timely production of the proceedings.