1010 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 8, No. 10 / Octob er 10, 2010
Sparse Bayesian reconstruction method for multispectral
bioluminescence tomography
Jinchao Feng (冯冯冯金金金超超超)
, Kebin Jia (贾贾贾克克克斌斌斌)
, Chenghu Qin (秦秦秦承承承虎虎虎)
, Shouping Zhu (朱朱朱守守守平平平)
Xin Yang (杨杨杨 鑫鑫鑫)
, and Jie Tian (田田田 捷捷捷)
College of Electronic Information and Control Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Medical Image Pro cessing Group, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Life Science Research Center, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China
E-mail: tian@ieee.org
Received March 1, 2010
We present a sparse Bayesian reconstruction method based on multiple types of a priori information
for multispectral bioluminescence tomography (BLT). In the Bayesian approach, five kinds of a priori
information are incorp orated, reducing the ill-posedness of BLT. Specifically, source sparsity characteristic
is considered to promote reconstruction results. Considering the computational burden in the multispectral
case, a series of strategies is adopted to improve computational efficiency, such as optimal p ermissible
source region strategy and node model of the finite element method. The performance of the proposed
algorithm is validated by a heterogeneous three-dimensional (3D) micron scale computed tomography atlas
and a mouse-shaped phantom. Reconstructed results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the
prop osed algorithm.
OCIS co des: 100.3010, 100.3190, 170.3010, 170.6960.
doi: 10.3788/COL20100810.1010.
The emergence of new imaging modalities and ap-
proaches that provide cellular and molecular informa-
tion has led to the nascent field of molecular imag-
ing. Methods based on detecting optical signals in a
small animal have been leading this field
. The light-
emitting enzymes, and the technologies for detecting
their weak bioluminescent signals with a highly sensi-
tive charge-coupled device (CCD) camera in living sub-
jects, comprise the method called in vivo bioluminescence
Much effort has been devoted to transforming biolumi-
nescence imaging from a planar imaging technique into a
truly three-dimensional (3D) tomographic modality ap-
plication to small animals, because planar bioluminescent
imaging cannot provide depth information
. The reso-
lution of planar bioluminescent imaging is also limited
due to the nature of surface imaging. Therefore, biolu-
minescence tomography (BLT) is developed to explore
depth information and enhance bioluminescence imaging
resolution. As a result, BLT is particularly attractive for
in vivo applications.
Generally, BLT is an ill-posed problem and the unique-
ness of the BLT solution has been proven theoretically
The uniqueness theory is not only instructional in recon-
structing a bioluminescent source distribution, but also
presents that the ill-posedness of BLT could be overcome
with sufficient a priori information.
Since the concept of BLT was introduced, it has
made great progress in modeling and reconstruction
. Currently, BLT reconstruction-based
spectrum information has gained much attention as
BLT reconstruction results have improved, with hyper-
spectral and multisp ectral methods
. In addition, the
importance of multiple types of a priori information has
been recognized. The more the a priori information one
applies, the better the results obtained.
The Bayesian approach provides a framework to in-
corporate multiple types of a priori information. We
have proposed a BLT reconstruction algorithm based on
the Bayesian approach to reconstruct a bioluminescent
source, in which a generalized adaptive Gaussian Markov
random field (GGMRF) prior model for unknown source
density estimation is presented
. However, the sparse
nature of the internal source to promote reconstructed
quality is not considered in the prior model
. Further-
more, the permissible source region used in the previous
algorithm is inferred through the light p ower distribu-
tion on the surface, which is hardly determined when
the underlying source is located in a deep position. The
large-scale reconstruction data also significantly affect
reconstructed efficiency in the multispectral case.
In this letter, we describe a sparse Bayesian approach
for multispectral BLT. Furthermore, multiple types of
a priori information are incorp orated into the Bayesian
framework to reduce the ill-posedness of the BLT prob-
lem, specifically the sparsity of source and the optimal
permissible source region.
In bioluminescence imaging, photon propagation can
be described by the steady-state diffusion equation and
Robin boundary condition. Taking into account the in-
fluence of light wavelength λ on tissue optical property,
the following model is thus given:
−∇ · [D(r, λ)∇Φ(r, λ)] + µ
(r, λ)Φ(r, λ)
= x(r, λ) (r ∈ Ω), (1)
Φ(r, λ) + 2 A(r; n, n
)D(r, λ)[ν(r)
·∇Φ(r, λ)] = 0 (r ∈ ∂Ω), (2)
where Ω is a bounded smooth domain; ∂Ω is the cor-
responding boundary; Φ(r,λ) denotes the photon flux
° 2010 Chinese Optics Letters