ARA*+: Improved path planning algorithm based on ARA*
Bo Li, Jianwei Gong, and Yan Jiang, Hany Nasry, Guangming Xiong
Intelligent Vehicle Research Center
Beijing Institute of Technology
Beijing, China
Abstract—A* path planning algorithm cannot always
guarantee the continuity of a robot’s movements when the
allocated time is limited, however Anytime Repairing
A*(ARA*) can get a sub-optimal solution quickly, and then
work on improving the solution until the allocated time
expires. This paper proposes a variation of ARA* algorithm
(ARA*+) which executes multiple Weighted A* to search the
solution. During the first search of ARA*+, Weighted A* with
a larger inflation factor is applied and no state is expanded
more than once, in this way, the time needed for finding a
sub-optimal solution can be remarkably shortened. Then,
Weighted A* will be executed again for better path, by
decreasing the inflation factor and reusing the previous
planning efforts. Here, with the same inflation factor the
expanded states can be used again, and this is different from
ARA*, which forbids the expanded states to be expanded
again. If the allocated time does not expire, this process will
not stop until the optimal solution is found, or the current
sub-optimal solution will be regarded as the output. According
to our robot path planning experiments, in most cases the
number of expanded states in ARA*+ is smaller than that in
ARA*, as a result, the time required to get the optimal
solution will be shorter.
Keywords-Path planning; Robot; ARA*; ARA*+;A*
Path planning of a robot is to calculate a collision-free
path from the start state to the goal state, being satisfied with
some given environmental constraints and the robot’s own
mobility constraints, and a certain performance require-
ments as well [1]. The performance requirements are used to
evaluate the optimality of the solution, for instance, the
shortest path will be considered as the optimal solution if the
cost of the path is the evaluation indicator.
Two widely used path planning methods are
sampling-based algorithm [2] and heuristic search algorithm.
The sampling-based algorithm shows a very high efficiency
in high dimensional space, but it does not have any
optimality guarantees. A recent variation known as
improved randomly exploring randomized tree (RRT*) was
developed that adds an asymptotic optimality guarantee
without changing the computational overhead [3]. On the
other hand, A* [4], a typical heuristic search algorithm, can
significantly reduce the number of expanding states and
ensure the optimality of solutions as well. However, these
advantages will be weakened when the search area is too
large, or the robot moves at a higher speed.
A* can search the optimal solution if the value of
heuristic function from current state to the goal state is less
than the cost of the optimal path. Based on this, we can
come to a conclusion: the larger the value of heuristic
function is, the less the number of expanding states will be.
As a result, the searching efficiency will become higher. If
the value of heuristic function is larger than the cost of the
optimal solution, a feasible path can be searched out quickly,
though the optimality of the solution might not be ensured.
As an improved A*-based algorithm, Weighted A* [5],
which heuristic function, h(s), is multiplied by an inflation
factor ε (ε ≥ 1), can reduce the searching time and expand
less states. Although the optimality of the path has been
sacrificed, a sub-optimal path can be searched out quickly,
whose cost is no larger than ε times that of the optimal path
[6] [7], i.e., Weighted A* can search out a sub-optimal path
quickly. In this way, Weighted A* can solve the problem of
planning failure in limited time. If there is more time left,
Weighted A* will decrease ε and search again for a better
solution until the allocated time expires. However, this
method does not reuse the previous planning efforts and its
efficiency is not very high.
Anytime Weighted A* (AWA*) [8] executes Weighted
A* at the beginning of each iteration and quickly comes to a
sub-optimal solution. If there is more time left, it will keep
improving the result until the optimal solution is obtained or
take the current path as the output when the allocated time
expires. Although previous planning efforts have been
reused, it will expand too many states. Moreover, it will
keep expanding useless states even after the optimal solution
has been searched out.
Anytime Repairing A* (ARA*) [9] executes multiple
Weighted A*, and can effectively reduce the number of
states to be expanded by reusing the previous planning
efforts. ARA* restricts the re-expansion of states when
executing Weighted A* with the current ε, as a result, the
current Weighted A* can search for a feasible solution a bit
quickly. But more states will be expanded during another
search with a lower ε. Hansen [10] has queried the limitation
on expanding times of ARA*. He pointed out that this
method was flawed because it might expand more states
during the next search. Our experimental tests also support
Hansen's argument.
Considering the problems above, we proposed a
variation of ARA* algorithm (ARA*+). The first search of
this algorithm is the same as ARA* that executes Weighted
A* with given ε
to obtain a sub-optimal path quickly, here
no state is expanded more than once. Obviously the cost of