Z.J Ⅳ0.J Journal oJ。Chongqing University-Eng.Ed. June 2002
Remote M ultim edia Monitoring System Based on Embedded
W eb Server for Networked Manufacturing
HE Deqiang,YANG Yu,LIU Fei,ZHENG Qiang
The Institute of Manufacturing Engineering of Chongqing University,Chongqing 4OO044,P.R.China
Received 5 April 2002; revised 25 May 2002
Abstract:A new-style remote m onitoring system is proposed, which is based on enterprises’ em bedded
web servers and can be widely used in enterprises’ networked manufacturing systems.The principle and
characteristics of rem ote monitoring system based on embedded web server are an alyzed.Such a kind of
system for networked manufacturing is designed,and it proves efficient an d feasible in promoting com muni—
cation among enterprises, improving designing and scheduling, decreasing facility failure an d reducing
product cost.
Key works:Rem ote monitoring;Em bedded web server;Internet;Netw orked m anufacturing
1 l ntroduction
W ith the developm ent of com puter an d netw ork,
more an d more people are paying attention to re—
mote monitor based on netw ork,such as PSTN, IS—
DN .LAN an d \^,AN .The application of video trans—
po rt technology has great influence upon society.
For exam ple. m ultim edia that requires the W ide
Band to tran sfer had little applicat ion as the limital_.
on of netw ork ban dwidth severaI years ago, but
now it is applied largely with the prom pt populariza—
tion of the W ide Band.As the impo rtant applicat ion
of video technology,monitoring system is gradually
chan ging frOm expensive analog system to cheap
digital system [1].In recent years,Intranet and
W eb technology have been applied to industry co n—
trol step by step, wh ich m ake it po ssible to inte—
grat e rem ote interaction inform ation,monitoring and
co ntrolling inform at ion, production schedule infor—
mation an d management decision inform ation of en-
terprise. In this paper,the development of remote
monitoring tec hnology is researched an d a kind of
enterprise rem ote monitoring system based on em ~
bedded Web server has been propo sed In detaiI.
At last,the system is applied to the Netw ork Coop—
erate Designing Suppo rt System Based on W eb,
wh ich proves to be efficient an d feasible in promot—
ing com m unication am ong enterprises, im proving
designing an d scheduling,decreasing facility failure
an d reducing product cost.
2 Developm ent of Remote Monitoring
2.1 Monitoring system based on anabg method
111e monitoring systern based on an alog m ethod
was widely applied to security,ban k,an d pred uc—
tion managem ent at on e time. Nevertheless, it is
gradually fallen into disuse for its high co st, easy
ruin, difficult m aintenan ce, Iim ited tran sfer and in—
capability of netw ork co nnection.
Tran sm ission distan ce of the mo nitoring systerns
is short due to the adoption of video cables,gener-
ally fr0m 3O0 to 500 meters. The ap plica tion of
mo nitoring system is co nfined to such a situat ion as
building monitoring,an d the monitoring images can
only be viewed at a IocaI co ntroI center.Th e memo一
Foundation item:Funded by China 863 R&D Program (No:2001AA414630)
Authorbrief:HE Deq g(贺德 强 ):Ma le;Born 1973;PhD candidate;Main research scope:netwo ̄ed manufacturing