ASP.NET 6.0入门指南:Visual Studio 2015实战

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" Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio.2015" 本书是一本针对初学者的ASP.NET 2015入门指南,旨在帮助读者理解并掌握如何使用Visual Studio 2015进行ASP.NET开发。内容涵盖了从安装环境、创建第一个ASP.NET应用,到网页设计、编程基础以及服务器控件等多个方面。 在第一章"Getting Started with ASP.NET 6.0"中,作者介绍了ASP.NET vNext的新特性,包括与Visual Studio 2015的集成。这部分内容会引导读者设置开发环境,并通过一个示例应用程序来展示ASP.NET 6.0的基础用法。读者将了解到如何下载和安装必要的代码,以便跟随书中步骤进行实践操作。 第二章"Building an Initial ASP.NET Application"深入探讨了如何使用Visual Studio 2015创建网站,比较了MVC和Web Forms两种项目类型的文件差异。此外,本章还涵盖了在应用中处理文件的基本方法,以及创建示例应用程序的步骤。通过本章的学习,读者可以掌握基本的网站构建技巧。 第三章"Designing Your Web Pages"主要讲解HTML和CSS,以及如何在网页设计中应用它们。读者将学习到更多的CSS技术,如何创建样式表,以及如何在网页上应用和管理这些样式。这将有助于提升读者在网页布局和美化方面的技能。 第四章"Programming in C# and VB.NET"介绍了编程基础,包括如何组织代码以及对象导向编程的基本概念。这一部分详细解释了重要的OOP术语,如类、对象、继承和多态等,帮助读者建立起面向对象编程的思维。 第五章"ASP.NET Web Form Server Controls"则关注于Web Forms中的服务器控件,这是ASP.NET开发中的一个重要组成部分。读者将学习到如何使用各种服务器控件来增强交互性,提升用户体验,同时也为后续的ASP.NET Web Forms开发打下坚实基础。 每章末尾都提供了本章的总结,回顾了所学内容,并列出关键知识点,方便读者巩固和复习。此外,每一章还提供了相关的代码下载,以便读者在实践中更好地理解和应用书中讲解的技术。 这本书是初学者进入ASP.NET开发领域的理想起点,通过详细的步骤指导和实际案例,让读者逐步掌握使用Visual Studio 2015进行ASP.NET开发的各种技能。
2016-04-22 上传
The complete guide to the productivity and performance enhancements in ASP.NET, Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015is your ultimate guide to the latest upgrade of this historically popular framework. Fully updated to align with the vNext release, this new edition walks you through the new tools and features that make your workflow smoother and your applications stronger. You'll get up to speed on the productivity and performance improvements, and learn how Microsoft has committed itself to more continuous innovation by increasing its release cadence for all products and services going forward. Coverage includes Async-aware debugging, ADO.NET idle connection resiliency, managed return value inspection, ASP.NET app suspension, on-demand large object heap compaction, multi-core JIT and more., The news of an off-cycle update to ASP.NET came as a surprise, but its announcement garnered cheers at the 2014 Microsoft BUILD conference. This guide shows you what all the fuss is about, and how Microsoft overhauled the latest ASP.NET release., Get acquainted with the new developer productivity features Master the new tools that build better applications Discover what's new in Windows Store app development Learn how Microsoft fixed the issues that kept you from v5, Over 38 million websites are currently using ASP.NET, and the new upgrade is already leading to increased adoption. Programmers need to master v6 to remain relevant as web development moves forward. Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015 walks you through the details, and shows you what you need to know so you can get up and running quickly.