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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2779865, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
Multi-Space Feature Extraction Attention-In-Attention Decoding (Multi-Event Recognition/Video Captioning)
Mean Pooling
turn around
get food/drink
use phone
object handover
Fig. 2: Illustration of the Attention-In-Attention (AIA) framework, which consists of three components. First, in the Multi-Space Feature
Extraction component, the space-specific features are obtained by multiple off-the-shelf feature extraction methods. Second, the Attention-
In-Attention component is utilized for feature selection and fusion, which includes multiple EAMs and FAM to generate the space-specific
attentive features and further project them into a space with the identical dimension. Third, in the Decoding component, one LSTM unit is
employed to decode the fusion representation and attentive features, where the hidden state is simultaneously fed into both EAMs and FAM
for sentence-induced feature selection and fusion. Particularly, for the multi-event recognition task, we first mean pool the hidden states from
the LSTM unit and then assign a probability distribution by the sigmoid layer. For the video captioning task, the LSTM unit sequentially
generates the description by the softmax layer. The proposed framework is learned end-to-end and we can easily add extra branches for
additional features. CNN: Convolutional Neural Network; IS: Image-wise Semantic; VS: Video-wise Semantic; EAM: Encoder Attention
Module; FAM: Fusion Attention Module.
methods, sequential learning-based methods, and attention-
based methods.
The template-based methods predefine the specific grammar
rules and splits sentences into several terms (e.g., subject,
verb, object, etc.). With such sentence fragments, each term
is aligned with visual content and then the sentence is gen-
erated [18], [19]. Guadarrama et al. [18] designed semantic
hierarchies to choose an appropriate level of the specificity and
accuracy of sentence fragments. Rohrbach et al. [19] learned
to model the relationships between different components of
the input video for descriptions. The advantage of template-
based methods is that the resulting captions are more likely to
be grammatically correct. However, they highly rely on hard-
coded visual concepts and suffer from the implied limits on
the variety of the output.
The sequential learning-based methods have been widely
applied to video captioning, where an encoder maps a se-
quence of video frames to fixed-length feature vectors in the
embedding space and a decoder then generates a translated
sentence in the target language [3], [21], [22], [40]. This
problem is analogous to translate a sequence of words in the
input language to a sequence of words in the output language
in the area of machine translation. The early video captioning
method [22] extended the image caption methods by simply
pooling the features of multiple frames to form a single
representation. Venugopalan et al. [3] applied the sequence to
sequence model to transfer the temporal visual information
to natural language description and further extended it by
inputting both appearance features and optical flow. However,
this strategy can only work for short video clips, which only
contain one major event with limited visual variation, and
ignore the rich fine-grained information conveyed by the video
Recently, the attention-based methods employ soft attention
mechanism [27] to weight each temporal feature vector in
order to exploit the temporal structure and rich intermediate
description of long videos. For instance, Yao et al. [4] propose
to exploit temporal structure based on soft attention mecha-
nism, which allows to go beyond local temporal modeling
and learns to select the most relevant temporal segments for
video captioning. Ballas et al. [41] leverages convolutional
GRU-RNN to extract visual representation and generate sen-
tence based on the LSTM text-generator with soft-attention
mechanism. Yu et al. [7] further exploit temporal- and spatial-
attention mechanisms to selectively focus on visual elements
during generation.
However, seldom work has been done to hierarchically
learn and integrate the multi-space representations from visu-
al/semantic modalities in the data-driven manner. In this paper,
we explore the comprehensive video representation under the
multi-space features condition for video understanding in IoT
(Internet of Things).
In this section, we first give an overview of the proposed
framework and the details of the computational pipeline in
Section III-A. Then, the three key components, including
multi-space feature extraction, attention-in-attention module,
and decoding module, will be detailed in Section III-B, Section
III-C and Section III-D, respectively.
A. Framework Overview
Attention-In-Attention network (AIA) can adaptively &
jointly perform the procedures of space-specific feature se-
lection and multi-space attentive feature fusion. Fig. 2 de-
picts the AIA framework for video captioning. Given several