subcarriers only used by users in Cell and respectively.
The reuse factor
is defined as the ratio between the number
of reused subcarriers and the total number of subcarriers:
so that contains subcarriers. If user modulates a sub-
, the additive noise contains both thermal noise
of variance
and interference. Therefore, the variance of
this noise-plus-interference process depends on
and coincides
, where represents
the channel between BS
and user of Cell at frequency
and OFDM block , and where is the
average power transmitted by BS
in the interference band-
. The remaining subcarriers are shared by the
two cells, Cell
and , in an orthogonal way. If user mod-
ulates such a subcarrier
, the additive noise
contains only thermal noise. In other words, subcarrier does
not suffer from multicell interference. Then we simply write
. The resource allocation parameters for
are: the power transmitted on each of the subcar-
riers of the nonprotected band
allocated to him, his share
, the power transmitted on each of the subcarriers of
the protected band
allocated to him and his share of .
In other words,
As a consequence, and
for each cell . Moreover, let (respectively, ) be the
channel gain-to-noise ratio (GNR) in band
(respectively, ),
(respectively, ). “Setting a
resource allocation for Cell
” means setting a value for param-
B. Joint Resource Allocation for Cells
Assume that each user has a rate requirement of
nats/s/Hz. In the first Part of this work [1], our aim was to
jointly optimize the resource allocation for the two cells which
i) allows to satisfy all target rates
of all users, and ii)
minimizes the power used by the two base stations in order
to achieve these rates. For each Cell
, denote by
the adjacent cell ( and ). The ergodic capacity
associated with a user
in Cell is given by
is a standard exponentially distributed random vari-
able, and where coefficient
is given by
represents the channel between BS and user
of Cell at frequency and OFDM block . Coefficient
represents the signal to interference plus noise ratio
in the interference band
. We assume that users are numbered
from the nearest to the BS to the farthest. As in [1], the fol-
lowing problem will be referred to as the joint resource allo-
cation problem for Cells
and : Minimize the total power
spent by both base stations
with respect to under
the following constraint that all users’ rate requirements
satisfied i.e., for each user
in any Cell , . The solu-
tion to this problem has been determined in the first part of this
work [1]. As a noticeable point, the results of [1] indicate the ex-
istence in each cell of a pivot-user that separates two groups of
users: The “protected” users and the “nonprotected” users. The
following proposition states this binary property of the solution.
Proposition 1 [1]: Any global solution to the joint resource
allocation problem is “binary” i.e., there exists a user
in each
such that for closest users , and
for farthest users .
In the sequel, we denote by
the position of the pivot-
in Cell i.e., . A resource allocation algo-
rithm is also proposed in [1]. This algorithm turns out to have a
high computational complexity and the determination of the op-
timal value of the pivot-distance
turns out to be one of the
costliest operations involved in this algorithm. This is why we
propose in the following section of the present paper a subop-
timal simplified allocation algorithm that assumes a predefined
A. Motivations and Main idea
Proposition 1 provides the general form of the optimal re-
source allocation, showing in particular the existence of pivot-
, in both Cells , , separating the users who
modulate in band
from the users who modulate in bands
and . As a matter of fact, the determination of pivot-users
is one of the costliest operations of this optimal allo-
cation (see [1] for a detailed computational complexity anal-
ysis). Thus, it would be convenient to propose an allocation
procedure for which the pivot-position would be fixed in ad-
vance to a constant rather than systematically computed/opti-
mized. We propose a simplified resource allocation algorithm
based on this idea. Furthermore, we prove that when the value
of the fixed pivot-distances is relevantly chosen, the proposed
algorithm is asymptotically optimal as the number of users in-
creases. In other words, the total power spent by the network for
when using our suboptimal algorithm does not exceed
the minimum power that would have been spent by using the
optimal resource allocation. The proposed algorithm is based
on the following idea.
Recall the definition of
and as the respec-
tive position of the optimal pivot-users
and defined by
Proposition 1. As the optimal pivot-positions
are difficult to compute explicitly and depend on the particular
rates and users’ positions, we propose to replace
with predefined values and fixed before
the resource allocation process. In our suboptimal algorithm, all
users in Cell
whose distance to the BS is less than
modulate in the interference band . Users farther than
modulate in the protected band . Of course, we still need to
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