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"打造3G精品网络引领全面竞争时代.pptx"是省网络部在2008年7月所制作的报告。该报告主要关注的内容包括全面建设,消除资源瓶颈;优劣对比,浅析三强实力;合理导向,减少政策制肘;精耕细作,推动市场发展;着眼未来,培养梯队人才等。其中,主要优势包括TD-SCDMA网络是民族产业,政府支持;移动品牌效应好,个人客户规模大,社会影响力强;先进的服务理念,系统的营销体系,完善的运营维护体系,成熟的集中维护体系;资产优良,资金充裕;企业管理和文化先进,创新机制和创新能力较强;移动增值业务具有先发优势,业务支撑系统成熟;在网络覆盖、站址资源、网络质量等网络资源方面占有优势。劣势方面包括面对全业务竞争,组织架构存在缺陷,全员营销能力不足,员工应对竞争心理脆弱,业务单一,互联互通结算政策不对等;TD-SCDMA技术不成熟,商用终端较少;互联网运营经验和能力缺乏;在政府、集团、行业等方面影响力相对薄弱;信息源的整合、集成以及提供综合信息服务能力较弱;集团和家庭市场产品目前尚待完善;缺乏全业务运营思维和经验。机会方面包括电信重组对中移动影响较小,同时铁通并入后可有效利用资源;新电信、新" Summary: "打造3G精品网络引领全面竞争时代.pptx" is a report made by the Provincial Network Department in 2008. The main focus of the report includes comprehensive construction, eliminating resource bottlenecks; comparing strengths and weaknesses, analyzing the strength of the top three; reasonable guidance, reducing policy constraints; meticulous work, promoting market development; and focusing on the future, cultivating a team of talents. The report also includes an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for the network, including the advantages of TD-SCDMA networks being a national industry with government support, strong brand influence, advanced service concepts, extensive marketing and operational maintenance systems, strong financial assets, and management and culture that are advanced and innovative. However, there are also challenges such as weak organizational structure, lack of market competitiveness, and technological immaturity. Lastly, the opportunities identified include the impact of telecommunication restructuring on mobile communications and the use of resources following the inclusion of China Telecom and China Netcom.