the feature compared with label $FT for each sentence.
J&L’s method was only applied to noun and pronoun. To
differentiate noun and pronoun that are not comparators or
features, they added the fourth label $NEF, i.e., nonentity-
feature. These labels were used as pivots together with
special tokens li & rj
(tokens at specific positions), #start
(beginning of a sentence), and #end (end of a sentence) to
generate sequence data, sequences with single label only
and minimum support greater than 1 percent are retained,
and then LSRs were created. When applying the learned
LSRs for extraction, LSRs with higher confidence were
applied first.
J&L’s method have been proved effective in their
experimental setups. However, it has the following
. The performance of J&L’s method relies heavily on a
set of comparative sentence indicative keywords.
These keywords were manually created and they
offered no guidelines to select keywords for inclu-
sion. It is also difficult to ensure the completeness of
the keyword list.
. Users can express comparative sentences or ques-
tions in many different ways. To have high recall, a
large annotated training corpus is necessary. This is
an expensive process.
. Example CSRs and LSRs given in Jindal and Liu [7]
are mostly a combination of POS tags and keywords.
It is a surprise that their rules achieved high
precision but low recall. They attributed most errors
to POS tagging errors. However, we suspect that
their rules might be too specific and overfit their
small training set (about 2,600 sentences). We would
like to increase recall, avoid overfitting, and allow
rules to include discriminative lexical tokens to
retain precision.
In the next section, we introduce our method to address
these shortcomings.
Our weakly supervised method is a pattern-based
approach similar to J&L’s method, but it is different in
many aspects: instead of using separate CSRs and LSRs,
our method aims to learn sequential patterns which can
be used to identify comparative question and extract
comparators simultaneously.
In our approach, a sequential pattern is defined as a
sequence Sðs
Þ where s
can be a word, a POS
tag, or a symbol denoting either a comparator ($C), or the
beginning (#start) or the end of a question (#end). A
sequential pattern is called an indicative extraction pattern
(IEP) if it can be used to identify comparative questions
and extract comparators in them with high reliability. We
will formally define the reliability score of a pattern in the
next section.
Once a question matches an IEP, it is classified as a
comparative question and the token sequences correspond-
ing to the comparator slots in the IEP are extracted as
comparators. When a question can match multiple IEPs, the
longest IEP is used.
Therefore, instead of manually creating
a list of indicative keywords, we create a set of IEPs. We will
show how to acquire IEPs automatically using a boot-
strapping procedure with minimum supervision by taking
advantage of a large unlabeled question collection in the
following sections. The evaluations shown in Section 5
confirm that our weakly supervised method can achieve
high recall while retain high precision.
This pattern definition is inspired by the work of
Ravichandran and Hovy [14]. Table 1 shows some
examples of such sequential patterns. We also allow POS
constraint on comparators as shown in the pattern
“<; $C=NN or $C=NN ? #endj>”. It means that a valid
comparator must have an NN POS tag.
3.1 Mining Indicative Extraction Patterns
Our weakly supervised IEP mining approach is based on
two key assumptions.
. If a sequential pattern can be used to extract many
reliable comparator pairs, it is very likely to be an
. If a comparator pair can be extracted by an IEP, the
pair is reliable.
Based on these two assumptions, we design our boot-
strapping algorithm as shown in Fig 1. The bootstrapping
process starts with a single IEP. From it, we extract a set of
1. l
marks a token is at the ith position to the left of the pivot and r
marks a token is at jth position to the right of the pivot where i and j are
between 1 and 4 in J&L [7].
2. It is because the longest IEP is likely to be the most specific and
relevant pattern for the given question.
Candidate Indicative Extraction Pattern (IEP) Examples of the
Question “Which City Is Better, NYC or Paris?”
Fig. 1. Overview of the bootstrapping algorithm.