4 Chapter 1 First-Order Differential Equations
Mathematical Models
Our brief discussion of population growth in Examples 5 and 6 illustrates the crucial
process of mathematical modeling (Fig. 1.1.4), which involves the following:
1. The formulation of a real-world problem in mathematical terms; that is, the
construction of a mathematical model.
2. The analysis or solution of the resulting mathematical problem.
3. The interpretation of the mathematical results in the context of the original
real-world situation—for example, answering the question originally posed.
Formulation Interpretation
FIGURE 1.1.4. T
he process of mathematical modeling.
In the population example, the real-world problem is that of determining the
population at some future time. A mathematical model consists of a list of vari-
ables (P and t) that describe the given situation, together with one or more equations
relating these variables (dP=dt D kP , P .0/ D P
) that are known or are assumed to
hold. The mathematical analysis consists of solving these equations (here, for P as
a function of t). Finally, we apply these mathematical results to attempt to answer
the original real-world question.
As an example of this process, think of first formulating the mathematical
model consisting of the equations dP=dt D kP , P .0/ D 1000, describing the bac-
teria population of Example 6. Then our mathematical analysis there consisted of
solving for the solution function P .t/ D 1000e
.ln 2/t
D 1000 2
as our mathemat-
ical result. For an interpretation in terms of our real-world situation—the actual
bacteria population—we substituted t D 1:5 to obtain the predicted population of
P .1:5/ 2828 bacteria after 1.5 hours. If, for instance, the bacteria population is
growing under ideal conditions of unlimited space and food supply, our prediction
may be quite accurate, in which case we conclude that the mathematical model is
adequate for studying this particular population.
On the other hand, it may turn out that no solution of the selected differential
equation accurately fits the actual population we’re studying. For instance, for no
choice of the constants C and k does the solution P.t/ D C e
in Eq. (7) accurately
describe the actual growth of the human population of the world over the past few
centuries. We must conclude that the differential equation dP=dt DkP is inadequate
for modeling the world population—which in recent decades has “leveled off” as
compared with the steeply climbing graphs in the upper half (P > 0) of Fig. 1.1.3.
With sufficient insight, we might formulate a new mathematical model including
a perhaps more complicated differential equation, one that takes into account such
factors as a limited food supply and the effect of increased population on birth and
death rates. With the formulation of this new mathematical model, we may attempt
to traverse once again the diagram of Fig. 1.1.4 in a counterclockwise manner. If
we can solve the new differential equation, we get new solution functions to com-