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本文档深入探讨了长期演进(LTE)物理层(PHY)的概述,特别关注了在广泛采用的频分双工(FDD)模式中的关键要素。针对那些参与设计基于LTE的网络和系统实践者,这是一份实用指南。文章首先介绍了多址接入技术和物理层参数,强调了LTE PHY设计的挑战,包括对高速数据传输(下行100Mbps,上行50Mbps)的需求,以及对高谱效率和宽频带(1.25-20MHz)的支持。 为了实现这些性能指标,文章指出正交频分复用(OFDM)技术被选为LTE物理层的基础。OFDM并非新概念,起源于20世纪60年代,曾在20世纪90年代中期的3G系统讨论中考虑过,但由于当时的技术不成熟而未被采纳。然而,随着电子设备和信号处理技术的显著进步,OFDM已成为Wi-Fi(802.11)、WiMAX(802.16)等无线接入系统以及数字音频/视频广播(DAB/DVB)等广播系统的标准技术,证明了其成熟度。 在LTE PHY设计中,OFDM的优势在于它能够有效应对多径传播环境,通过将数据分割到多个子载波上进行并行传输,从而提高了抗多径干扰的能力。此外,OFDM还允许灵活地调整子载波数量和带宽分配,适应不同场景下的网络需求。在FDD模式下,上行和下行信道通过不同的频率分配进行通信,这要求在物理层设计中考虑到信道编码、调制方式、以及功率控制等关键元素,以确保在频谱资源的有效利用和用户吞吐量的平衡。 本文后续可能还会深入讲解以下部分: 1. LTE物理层的帧结构,包括时隙结构、子帧划分和特殊子帧的作用。 2. 频域资源分配,如资源块(RBs)和上下行链路的资源分布。 3. 调制和解调技术,如QPSK、16QAM和64QAM,以及它们在不同信道条件下的性能。 4. 前向纠错编码(FEC)和信道编码,如Turbo编码和卷积码。 5. MIMO技术的应用,如何提高数据传输的容量和可靠性。 6. 小区间的同步和参考信号(RS)的部署,用于时间和频率同步以及测量目的。 通过学习这篇文档,读者将对LTE物理层的设计原理有更深入的理解,有助于他们在实际网络规划和优化中做出明智决策。

Write a program to 1.Setup a simulating backing store in memory. Read the data from pdata.bin to this backing store. 2.Initialize a page table for process p, set the frame number to be -1 for each page, indicating that the page is not loaded into memory yet. 3.Read logical addresses one by one from la.txt. 4.For each logical address, a)if its page has been loaded into physical memory, simply find the frame number in the page table, then generate physical address, find and print out the physical address and data inside this address. b)if the page is used for the first time, i.e., in page table, its frame number is -1,then the page that contains this address should be loaded into a free frame in physical memory (RAM). Then update the page table by adding the frame number to the right index in the page table. Then repeat 4a). Assumption: 1.Assume the file la.txt includes the sequence of generated addresses from CPU. 2.Use a part of memory as backing store that store data for a process. 3.The backing store size is 128 bytes 4.The size of process p is 128 bytes. 5.The contents of p is included in a file pdata.bin which is a binary file. 6.Use a part of memory as RAM. The size of physical memory is 256 bytes, from 0 to 255. All the physical memory is available, allocating starting from beginning in sequence. That is, allocate frame 0 first, then frame 1, then frame 2…. 7.The size of a frame is 32 bytes, i.e., 5 bits for the offset in a frame, total number of frames is 8. At beginning, no page table is available for process p.

2023-05-24 上传