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《LTE-Advanced与下一代无线网络:信道建模与传播》是一本由GuillaumedelaRoche( Mindspeed Technologies, France)、Andrés Alayón Glazunov(KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)和Ben Allen(University of Bedfordshire, UK)编著的专业书籍,于2013年首次出版。该书由John Wiley & Sons Ltd出版,专注于高级长期演进(LTE-Advanced)技术和下一代无线网络的发展,重点探讨了这些技术在无线通信中的关键要素——信道建模与传播特性。 在LTE-Advanced这一章节,作者们深入解析了如何通过先进的4G技术来提升无线网络的性能,包括更高的数据传输速率、更大的容量以及更广泛的覆盖范围。他们可能讨论了关键技术如载波聚合、多输入多输出(MIMO)、OFDM(正交频分复用)和更高效的多天线系统,这些都是实现4G网络演进的关键。 信道建模与传播部分则是本书的核心内容之一。这部分涉及对无线信号在不同环境中的行为进行数学建模,以预测和优化通信效果。它可能涵盖了路径损耗、阴影衰落、多径效应、频率选择性衰落等基本概念,以及如何通过统计方法如Rayleigh fading、Rician fading来模拟真实世界中的无线信道。此外,还可能介绍了如何利用这些模型来设计和优化无线网络的参数设置,如调制方式、编码方案和功率控制策略,以应对各种复杂环境下的通信挑战。 书中还可能讨论了未来无线网络的发展趋势,如5G(第五代移动通信)和后续的6G技术,以及它们如何在信道建模和传播方面超越LTE-Advanced。这包括毫米波和太赫兹频段的使用、大规模MIMO、波束forming、以及新型多址技术等前沿技术的应用。 《LTE-Advanced与下一代无线网络:信道建模与传播》不仅提供了对当前4G技术的深入理解,还为读者展示了无线通信领域的前沿研究和发展方向,对于从事无线通信、网络工程或相关研究的专业人士来说,这本书具有很高的参考价值。
2012-03-30 上传
wiley 2012 A concise introduction to IMT-Advanced Systems, including LTE-Advanced and WiMAX There exists a strong demand for fully extending emerging Internet services, including collaborative applications and social networking, to the mobile and wireless domain. Delivering such services can be possible only through realizing broadband in the wireless. Two candidate technologies are currently competing in fulfilling the requirements for wireless broadband networks, WiMAX and LTE. At the moment, LTE and its future evolution LTE-Advanced are already gaining ground in terms of vendor and operator support. Whilst both technologies share certain attributes (utilizing Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) in downlink, accommodating smart antennas and full support for IP-switching, for example), they differ in others (including uplink technology, scheduling, frame structure and mobility support). Beyond technological merits, factors such as deployment readiness, ecosystem maturity and migration feasibility come to light when comparing the aptitude of the two technologies. LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX: Towards IMT-Advanced Networks provides a concise, no-nonsense introduction to the two technologies, covering both interface and networking considerations. More critically, the book gives a multi-faceted comparison, carefully analyzing and distinguishing the characteristics of each technology and spanning both technical and economic merits. A “big picture” understanding of the market strategies and forecasts is also offered. Discusses and critically evaluates LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX (Legacy and Advanced) amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/LTE-LTE-Advanced-WiMAX-IMT-Advanced-Networks/dp/0470745681/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1333121278&sr=8-1