"PCI-SIG发布U.2-SFF-8639-V4.0规范 4.0版本详解"
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The U.2-SFF-8639-V4.0 specification, also known as the PCI Express SFF-8639 Module Specification Revision 4.0, Version 0.5, was released on March 21, 2019, with an updated version on April 3, 2019. This specification is governed by the PCI-SIG® and provides guidelines for the design and implementation of U.2-SFF-8639-V4.0 compliant devices.
The specification outlines the physical and electrical requirements for U.2-SFF-8639-V4.0 connectors and modules, ensuring interoperability and compatibility between different manufacturers' products. It covers aspects such as form factor, pin assignments, mechanical dimensions, and signal characteristics to enable the seamless integration of U.2-SFF-8639-V4.0 devices into various computing systems.
It is important to note that PCI-SIG® disclaims all warranties and liability for the use of this document and the information contained herein. They also assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document and do not make a commitment to update the information contained therein. Users are advised to contact the PCI-SIG office to obtain the latest revision of this specification and address any questions regarding the PCI Express SFF-8639 Module.
Overall, the U.2-SFF-8639-V4.0 specification plays a crucial role in standardizing the design and implementation of U.2-SFF-8639-V4.0 compliant devices, ensuring their compatibility and interoperability in the market. Its guidelines and requirements provide a framework for manufacturers to adhere to, ultimately benefiting end-users with reliable and seamless integration of U.2-SFF-8639-V4.0 devices into their computing systems.
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