... ...
Victim Page Cache Miss
(a) Flat Architecture
(b) Layered Architecture
Fig. 1. Architecture of hybrid cache.
probability 1−α. Note that α is a tunable parameter, and
increasing it implies that D-Cache is more preferred to
be used. In the flat architecture, pages are never migrated
between the two types of caches.
Note that both D-Cache and N-Cache contain multiple
lists. To exploit workload locality, we let pages be
first buffered in the list with the smallest label in the
corresponding cache, and then upgrade to the larger-
numbered lists when they become hot (e.g., when cache
hit happens). That is, lists in the same cache device are
organized in a layered structure.
• Layered architecture: In this design, we use D-Cache as a
caching layer for N-Cache as shown in Figure 1(b). Par-
ticularly, new data page is directly buffered in N-Cache
first, and when page in the list of the largest label in N-
Cache is accessed, it is upgraded to D-Cache. Similarly,
we also organize lists in both D-Cache and N-Cache in
a layered structure. Note that data migration between D-
Cache and N-Cache happens here, and usually, data in
D-Cache is considered to be hotter than data in N-Cache.
B. Cache Replacement Algorithm
For cache replacement, we follow the list-based algorithm
introduced in [6], and extend it to hybrid cache with different
architectures. Roughly speaking, a new data page enters into
a cache through the first list and moves to the upper list by
exchanging with a randomly selected data page whenever a
cache hit occurs. Specifically, when a data page k is requested
at time t, one of the three events below happens:
• Cache miss: Page k is not in D-Cache nor N-Cache. In
this case, page k enters into the first list in D-Cache
(i.e., list l
) with probability α or into the first list
in N-Cache (i.e., list l
) with probability (1 − α) under
the flat architecture. For the layered architecture, page k
enters into the first list of N-Cache (i.e., list l
). For both
architectures, the position in the list for writing page k is
chosen uniformly at random. Meanwhile, the victim page
in the position moves back to list 0.
• Cache hit in list l
where l
6= l
and l
6= l
: In this
case, page k moves to a randomly selected position v of
list l
, meanwhile, the victim page in position v of list
takes the former position of page k.
• Cache hit in list l
where l
= l
or l
= l
: In this
case, page k remains at the same position under the flat
architecture. However, for the layered architecture with
= l
, page k moves to a random position in list l
as in the second case.
Figure 1 shows the data flow under flat and layered archi-
tectures. Note that data migration happens between lists of the
same type of cache, while the migration between D-Cache and
N-Cache happens only in the case of layered architecture.
C. Design Issues
Note that the overall performance of a hybrid cache system
may depend on various factors, such as system architecture,
capacity allocation between DRAM and NVM, as well as
the configuration parameters like the number of lists in each
cache device. Thus, it poses a wide range of design choices
for hybrid cache, which makes it very difficult to explore
the full design space and optimize the cache performance.
To understand the impact of hybrid cache design on system
performance, in this work, we aim to address the following
issues by developing mathematical models.
• For each architecture (flat or layered), what is the impact
of the list-based hierarchical design, and how to set the
best parameters so as to optimize the overall performance,
including the numbers of lists h
and h
, as well as the
preference parameter α for the flat architecture?
• Which architecture should be used when considering both
DRAM and NVM into a hybrid design?
• Under a fixed budget C, what is the best capacity
allocation of each cache type for better performance?
In this section, we first describe the workload model, then
characterize the dynamics of data pages in hybrid cache, and
finally derive the cache content distribution in steady state.
After that, we define a latency-based performance metric based
on the cache content distribution so as to quantify the overall
cache performance.
A. Workload Model
In this work, we focus on cache-effective applications like
web search and database query [22], [11], in which memory
and I/O latency are critical to system performance. Thus,
caching files in main memory becomes necessary to provide
sufficient throughput for these applications. To provide high
data reliability, we assume to use the write-through policy, in
which data is also written to the storage tier once it is buffered
in the page cache. With this policy, all data pages in cache
should have a copy in the secondary storage.
In this paper, we focus on the independent reference model
[6] in which requests in a workload are independent of each
other. Since cache mainly benefits the read performance, we
focus on read requests only, while we can also extend our
model to write requests. Suppose that we have n total data
pages in the system. In each time slot, one read request arrives,
and it accesses data pages according to a particular distribution
where page k (k = 1, 2, ..., n) is accessed with probability p
Clearly, we have
= 1. Without loss of generality,
we assume that pages are sorted in the decreasing order of