精通JavaScript DOM脚本与Ajax开发

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" Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax" 本书《Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax》是Web开发领域的权威指南,由Christian Heilmann撰写,知名技术开发者Simon Willison作序。这本书旨在帮助初学者到专业人士全面掌握现代JavaScript开发的核心技术。 JavaScript是一种广泛应用于网页和网络应用的编程语言,它在网页动态交互方面发挥着关键作用。DOM(Document Object Model)是HTML和XML文档的结构化表示,允许通过JavaScript来操作页面元素。DOM Scripting是指使用JavaScript与DOM交互,实现网页动态更新、用户事件响应等特性。 在书中,作者深入浅出地讲解了以下JavaScript核心知识点: 1. **基础语法**:包括变量、数据类型、运算符、流程控制(条件语句、循环)、函数等JavaScript的基础概念。 2. **对象和原型**:解释JavaScript中的对象创建方式,如字面量语法、构造函数,以及原型链的工作原理。 3. **DOM操作**:如何通过JavaScript选择、添加、删除或修改HTML元素,以及处理事件监听和触发。 4. **AJAX(异步JavaScript和XML)**:讲解了AJAX的基本原理,如何创建XMLHttpRequest对象,发送HTTP请求,并处理服务器返回的数据,实现页面无刷新更新。 5. **跨域通信**:介绍JSONP(JSON with Padding)和CORS(跨源资源共享)等跨域数据请求的技术。 6. **错误处理和调试**:教授如何在JavaScript代码中添加错误处理机制,以及使用浏览器的开发者工具进行调试。 7. **性能优化**:讨论如何编写高性能的JavaScript代码,减少DOM操作的开销,提高脚本执行效率。 8. **最佳实践和设计模式**:分享编写可维护、可扩展的JavaScript代码的策略,包括模块化、封装和面向对象编程。 9. **现代JavaScript框架预览**:虽然出版于2006年,但书中可能对当时流行的JavaScript库和框架(如jQuery)进行了介绍,让读者了解如何利用这些工具提升开发效率。 10. **兼容性和浏览器差异**:讲解如何处理不同浏览器之间的差异,确保代码的兼容性。 此书不仅涵盖了JavaScript语言本身,还涉及了与之相关的前端开发技术,是一本全面且实用的JavaScript学习资源,对于想要深入理解Web开发的读者来说,具有很高的参考价值。同时,它提醒读者尊重商标,正确使用和提及业界知名的名称和技术。
2014-04-22 上传
Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax is an essential resource for modern JavaScript programming. This completely updated second edition covers everything you need to know to get up-to-speed with JavaScript development and add dynamic enhancements to web pages, right from the basics. As well as focusing on client-side JavaScript, you will also learn how to work with the Browser Object Model, the Document Object Model (DOM), how to use XML and JSON as well as communicate with service side scripts such as PHP. Find out how to: Construct good JavaScript syntax following modern coding practices Use JavaScript to communicate with the server and retrieve data Dynamically manipulate markup, validate forms and deal with images Debug applications using features inside the browser JavaScript is one of the most important technologies on the web. It provides the means to add dynamic functionality to your web pages and serves as the backbone of Ajax-style web development. Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax will take you from being a JavaScript novice to work freely with this important technology – begin your JavaScript journey today! What you’ll learn What functions, variables, events and objects are and how to use them. How build a site that will still work in the case that JavaScript is turned off. How to access and update part of the page using code. How to use JavaScript to communicate with the server and retrieve data. How to use JavaScript to for form validation and user feedback. How to use Third-Party Libraries like jQuery. Who this book is for Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax is for the person who has a good grasp of HTML and CSS but wants to add JavaScript to their skillset. If you want to learn some basic programming concepts, have experience but need help updating your skills, or you’re coming from another language, Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax can help. Table of Contents Getting Started with JavaScript Data and Decisions From DHTML to DOM Scripting HTML5 and JavaScript Presentation and Behavior (CSS and Event Handling) Common Uses of JavaScript: Image and Windows JavaScript and User Integration: Navigation and Forms Back-End Interaction with Ajax and Node.js Data Validation Techniques Modern JavaScript Case Study: A Dynamic Gallery Using Third-Party JavaScript Appendix A: Debugging JavaScript Book Details Paperback: 388 pages Publisher: Apress; 2 edition (June 26, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430250925 ISBN-13: 978-1430250920