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The review materials for the end of term data structure and algorithm course for the 16-17-2 semester cover various essential topics, including system life cycle, data abstraction and encapsulation, arrays, algorithm specification, and performance analysis. The materials focused on basic concepts and methods, with 40% dedicated to understanding and analyzing course content, 36% to problem solving and algorithms, and 24% to judging answers, applying data structures and algorithms, and designing them. The system life cycle includes requirements, analysis, design, refinement and coding, and verification, while data abstraction and encapsulation delve into the abstraction and encapsulation of data. Algorithm specification covers the rules for creating algorithms, and performance analysis evaluates the effectiveness of algorithms. Overall, the review materials provide a comprehensive overview and understanding of the fundamental concepts of data structures and algorithms, which are essential for any student studying this course. By focusing on understanding course content, problem solving, algorithm application, and data structure and algorithm design, the materials ensure that students have a well-rounded understanding and practical knowledge of the subject matter. With detailed coverage of the system life cycle, data abstraction and encapsulation, algorithm specification, and performance analysis, students are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their data structure and algorithm studies.