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The document titled "(完整)193基于机器视觉的精准施药平台喷药机构设计(含全套说明书和CAD图纸)要点-推荐文档.pdf" outlines the design of a precision spraying platform based on machine vision for accurately applying pesticides to crops. The main objective of this mechanism is to utilize machine vision signals to detect the presence of crops and spray pesticide accordingly. To ensure uniform and efficient spraying, a PWM pulse width modulation circuit is incorporated to control the electromagnetic valve, allowing for a slight extension in spraying time to ensure all crops receive the required dosage of pesticide.
The focus of the study includes an analysis of the spraying mechanism, selection of hydraulic components, implementation of PWM pulse width modulation control system, and calculation of system pressure losses. The key components of the system involve the spraying control system, PWM pulse width modulation, and precision pesticide application.
In summary, the research project aims to develop a sophisticated spraying mechanism that leverages machine vision technology to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of pesticide application in agricultural settings. The incorporation of PWM pulse width modulation control not only enables precise spraying but also ensures comprehensive coverage of crops, thereby optimizing the agricultural spraying process.
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