Inconel 601合金胀形工艺的显微结构与性能研究

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"Inconel 601合金胀形成形的显微结构及其性能 (2010年) - 天津大学材料科学与工程学院的研究论文" 本文详细探讨了Inconel 601合金在胀形成形工艺后的微观结构变化及其对性能的影响。Inconel 601合金是一种高性能的镍基合金,以其出色的耐腐蚀性和高温抗氧化能力而闻名,广泛应用在加热设备、化学工业、环保控制、航空航天及动力工业等领域。 胀形工艺作为一种先进的制造技术,相比传统的三通制造工艺,具有显著的优势,如较低的生产成本、更短的生产周期、更优的成形质量和更高的材料利用率。在这项实验中,研究人员利用Inconel 601合金通过胀形成形来制造三通和四通等管件,旨在探究这种工艺对合金微观结构和性能的具体影响。 实验分析了胀形后合金的变形区域,对比了变形前后的微观组织。通过这些分析,作者揭示了变形过程中显微结构的演变规律,这包括晶粒的变形、位错密度的改变、相变的可能性以及可能的析出物分布等。同时,这些变化与合金的机械性能,如强度、韧性、塑性和疲劳性能之间的关系也得到了深入研究。 微观组织的变化对合金性能的影响是多方面的。例如,晶粒的细化通常可以提高材料的强度和韧性,而位错的增加可能影响材料的塑性。此外,析出物的分布可能影响合金的耐腐蚀性和抗氧化性。通过理解这些关系,可以优化胀形成形工艺,以获得最佳的材料性能,满足不同应用领域的需求。 这项研究为Inconel 601合金的胀形成形提供了重要的理论基础,有助于提升该合金在实际应用中的性能表现,并为合金加工工艺的改进提供了指导。通过深入理解微观结构与性能之间的关联,工程师和科学家可以设计出更高效、更耐用的部件,进一步推动相关行业的技术进步。

n the present research, a hybrid laser polishing technology combining pulsed laser and continuous wave laser was applied to polish the surface of laser directed energy deposition (LDED) Inconel 718 superalloy components. The surface morphology, microstructure evolution and microhardness of the as-fabricated, the single pulsed laser polishing (SPLP) and the hybrid laser polishing (HLP) processed samples were investigated. The results revealed that the as-fabricated sample has a rough surface with sintered powders. In the matrix, the NbC carbide and Cr2Nb based Laves phase array parallel to the build direction and the small γʺ-Ni3Nb particles precipitate in matrix uniformly. The surface roughness of the as-fabricated sample is 15.75 μm which is decreased to 6.14 μm and 0.23 μm by SPLP and HLP processing, respectively. The SPLP processing refines the grains and secondary phase significantly in the remelted layer which is reconstructured with the cellular structure and plenty of substructures. The HLP processing also refines the grain and secondary phase but the secondary phases still exhibit array distribution. In addition, the tangled dislocations pile up along the interface of secondary phases. Compared with the as-fabricated sample, the SPLP processing decreases the surface microhardness but the HLP processing increases the surface microhardness, and the Young's elasticity modulus of surface layer is improved by SPLP and HLP processing to 282 ± 5.21 GPa and 304 ± 5.57 GPa, respectively. 翻译

2023-07-25 上传