精通iOS UI开发:Swift实现复杂界面

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"Learning.iOS.UI.Development.17852881" 是一本关于iOS用户界面开发的书籍,作者是Yari D'Arenglia。本书旨在帮助读者掌握整个UIKit框架,通过Swift创建现代iOS设备的用户界面。书中涵盖了从基础到高级的iOS UI开发知识,包括但不限于绘图系统、自适应布局、动画、交互设计以及自定义控件的创建。 书中的章节结构如下: 1. UI Fundamentals - 这一章将介绍UI开发的基础概念,包括UI元素的基本组成、设计原则和iOS平台的设计规范。 2. UI Components Overview – UIKit - UIKit是iOS应用的核心组件库,这一章将深入讨论UIKit的各种控件,如按钮、标签、文本字段、图像视图等,以及如何使用它们构建用户界面。 3. Interface Builder, XIB, and Storyboard - 探讨Interface Builder工具,XIB(XML Interface Builder)文件和Storyboard的使用,这些工具帮助开发者可视化地设计和组织应用界面。 4. Auto Layout - 自动布局系统是iOS中实现界面响应式设计的关键,此章将讲解如何利用Auto Layout创建不同屏幕尺寸和方向下的适配布局。 5. Adaptive User Interfaces - 介绍如何创建适应不同iOS设备和版本的用户界面,包括iPhone、iPad以及暗模式的支持。 6. Layers and Core Animation - Core Animation是实现iOS动画效果的主要技术,本章将教授如何使用图层(Layers)和Core Animation来创建流畅的动态效果。 7. UI Interactions – Touches and Gestures - 讨论用户与界面的交互,包括触摸事件处理和各种手势识别,使用户界面更具交互性。 8. How to Build Custom Controls - 展示如何根据需求创建自定义的UI控件,以满足独特设计或功能的需求。 9. Introduction to Core Graphics - Core Graphics是Apple的低级绘图框架,本章将介绍如何使用它来手写代码进行精确的图形绘制。 这本书面向的是有一定Swift编程基础并希望提升iOS UI设计技能的开发者。通过学习,读者将能够构建坚固且复杂的用户界面,提高应用的用户体验。尽管书中可能包含了一些版权信息和出版细节,但核心内容是关于iOS UI开发的全面指南,涵盖了一系列关键技术和实践方法。
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Paperback: 196 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (December 30, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1785288199 ISBN-13: 978-1785288197 Key Features Build compelling user interfaces that users will enjoy using the iOS UIKit framework Make your iOS apps easily recognizable and familiar with the UIKit framework Use this comprehensive, step-by-step guide to create a complete custom layout Book Description Through this comprehensive one-stop guide, you'll get to grips with the entire UIKit framework and in a flash, you'll be creating modern user interfaces for your iOS devices using Swift. Starting with an overview of the iOS drawing system and the available tools, you will then learn how to use these technologies to create adaptable layouts and custom elements for your applications. Next, you'll be introduced to other topics such as animation and code-drawing with Core Graphics, which will give you all the knowledge you need to create astonishing user interfaces. By the end of this book, you will have a solid foundation in iOS user interface development and will have gained valuable insights on the process of building firm and complex UIs. What you will learn Understand the basic requirements to work with iOS user interfaces Get to know about the UI tools, frameworks, and built-in components Plot dynamic layout structures using Auto Layout Shape and implement adaptive user interfaces for different screen sizes Draw and animate your user interfaces using the CALayer and UIKit animations Intercept and handle user touches to create user interface interactivity Create and depict totally custom controls Design with iOS through Core Graphics