Stability analysis of a computer virus model in latent period
Zhixing Hu
, Hongwei Wang, Fucheng Liao, Wanbiao Ma
School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, PR China
article info
Article history:
Received 8 October 2013
Accepted 2 February 2015
Based on a set of reasonable assumptions, the dynamical features of a novel computer virus
model in latent period is proposed in this paper. Through qualitative analysis, we obtain
the basic reproduction number R
. Furthermore, it is shown that the model have a
infection-free equilibrium and a unique infection equilibrium (positive equilibrium). Using
Lyapunov function theory, it is proved that the infection-free equilibrium is globally
asymptotically stable if R
< 1, implying that the virus would eventually die out. And by
means of a classical geometric approach, the infection equilibrium is globally asymptotically
stable if R
> 1. Finally, the numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the
feasibility of the obtained results.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Computer virus for the first time in the 1980s was pre-
sented by American computer virus experts Cohen [1] and
Solomon [21]. Computer viruses have the characteristics of
parasitism, infectiousness, latent and hiding. In addition,
similar to biological viruses, Computer viruses are mali-
cious codes or programs which can replicate themselves
and spread wireless networks. More and more individuals
and organizations are even troubled by computer virus. As
a consequence, computer viruses have brought about huge
financial losses and social panic [22].
Computer virus is believed to have spread mainly in
two ways, through network and through removable
devices. With the rapid development of network virus
defense technology, the advantage of the network trans-
mission will gradually diminish. At the same time, more
and more computer viruses will take mobile devices as
their route of transmission. Therefore, the research of com-
puter virus propagation model [23,30] based on mobile
communication has an important realistic meaning to the
public. In order to achieve this goal, and in view of the fact
that the spread of virus among computers resemble that of
biological virus among a population, it is necessary to
establish dynamical models describing the propagation of
computer viruses across the internet by appropriately
modifying epidemic models [7]. Based on this fact, some
classic epidemic models, such as the SIR model
[3,4,11,15,25,28], SIRS model [5,14,17,18], SEIR model
[16,27]. In computer background, an infected computer
which is in latency can infect other computers or remov-
able devices. However, all the previous computer virus
models failed to consider this passive infectivity. Indeed,
a reasonable computer virus model should assume that
both infected and latent computers have infectivity.
In the study of biological viruses model, the spread of
many human or animal diseases is based on the medium
of communication, such as West Nile Virus [9] and
propagation model based on the medium [20,24]. Further-
more, an infected computer which is in latency can infect
other computers or removable devices [26] in computer
background. However, the previous computer virus models
failed to consider this passive infectivity. Indeed, a reason-
able computer virus model should assume that both infect-
ed and latent computers have infectivity. In this work, we
extend the novel dynamical model of [29] to include latent
networked computers in both computers and removable
0960-0779/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 01062332589; fax: +86 01062332462.
E-mail address: (Z. Hu).
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 75 (2015) 20–28
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