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The document "Website Architecture Design Proposal" outlines a comprehensive plan for the design and development of a website. It covers various aspects such as the design principles, system architecture, network planning, and performance calculations. The design approach emphasizes the need for a robust and scalable architecture to support the growing demands of the website. It focuses on creating a system that is flexible, efficient, and secure. By implementing best practices and industry standards, the design aims to optimize user experience and ensure smooth functionality. The system architecture is detailed in the document, outlining the various components and their interactions. It describes the hardware and software infrastructure required to support the website, including servers, databases, and networking equipment. The architecture is designed to be modular and scalable, allowing for easy expansion and upgrades as needed. Network planning and performance calculations are key aspects of the design proposal, ensuring that the website can handle the expected traffic and provide a seamless user experience. The document outlines the network topology, bandwidth requirements, and load balancing strategies to optimize performance and reliability. Overall, the website architecture design proposal is a comprehensive plan that addresses the technical requirements and considerations for developing a successful website. By following the guidelines outlined in the document, the development team can create a robust and efficient system that meets the needs of both the business and its users.

SELECT bs.sample_id, bs.item_id, bs.report_id, bs.order_no, bs.order_id, bs.order_business_type, bs.commission_date, bs.customer_name, bs.applicant, bs.phone, bs.receive_user_name, bs.contract_no, bs.special_requirements, bs.report_org_name, bs.report_org_address, bs.sample_name, bs.standard_instrument_name, bs.complete_day, bs.sample_remark AS remark, bs.standard_instrument_id, bs.sample_no, bs.factory_number, bs.item_name, /*bs.item_quantity,*/ bs.inspection_type, bs.mandatory_flag, bs.test_quantity, bs.sample_state, bs.current_site, bs.plan_complete_date, bs.affix, bs.ranges, bs.grade, bs.factory, bs.calibrat_point, bs.apply_dept, bs.specification, bs.final_fee, bs.service_type, CASE WHEN bs.actual_complete_date IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF( bs.plan_complete_date, bs.actual_complete_date ) ELSE datediff( bs.plan_complete_date, now()) END AS surplus_days, bs.report_no, bs.is_report_back, bs.back_reason AS report_back_reason, bs.is_just_certificate, bs.report_state, bs.temper, bs.humidity, bs.test_result, bs.test_date, bs.next_test_date, bs.test_cycle, bs.test_address, bs.generate_time, bs.point_report_id, bs.is_merge, bs.circulation_flag, bs.item_proposal_fee AS proposal_fee, bs.change_price_reason, bs.test_user_name, bs.group_id, bs.group_name, bs.charging_num, bs.other_fee, bs.receivable_fee, bs.affix_quantity, bs.test_org, bs.out_org_order_no, bs.out_org_sample_no, bs.business_user_name, bs.pdf_path, bs.settlement_state, bs.result_describe, bsa.attach_id FROM view_sample_info bs JOIN bus_sample_report bsr ON bs.report_id = bsr.id JOIN bus_sample sa ON bsr.sample_id = sa.id JOIN bus_sample_attr bsa ON sa.id = bsa.id 根据bs.commission_date 进行排序最近的排上面 bs.commission_date

2023-07-15 上传

SELECT bs.report_no, bs.sample_id, bs.test_id, bs.service_type, bs.sample_name, bs.total_fee, bs.receivable_fee, bs.sample_no, bs.ranges, bs.grade, bs.sample_remark AS remark, bs.factory, bs.item_name, bs.apply_dept, bs.specification, bs.factory_number, bs.calibrat_point, bs.mandatory_flag, bs.inspection_type, bs.report_org_name, bs.plan_complete_date, bs.standard_instrument_name, bs.bleeding_site_name, bs.arrive_date, DATEDIFF( bs.plan_complete_date, NOW()) AS surplus_days, bs.order_no, bs.order_type, bs.customer_name, bs.order_id, bs.business_type, bs.group_id, bs.group_name, bs.item_id, bs.is_merge, bs.pass_time, bs.audit_time, bs.report_id, bs.compile_time, bs.generate_time, bs.pass_user_name, bs.audit_user_name, bs.compile_user_name, bs.report_state, bs.is_just_certificate, bs.label_price, bs.labor_cost, bs.product_type, bs.batch_number, bs.original_number, bs.type_no, bs.template_id, bs.template_version, bs.standard_instrument_id, bs.standard_instrument_name, bs.report_query_code, bs.test_user_id, bs.test_user_name, bs.test_time, bs.review_user_id, bs.review_user_name, bs.review_time, bs.or_number, bs.test_result, bs.test_result_text, bs.test_date, bs.test_address, bs.result_value, bs.unit, bs.test_dept_id, bs.test_dept_name, bs.sample_mass, bs.form, bs.color, bs.clarity, bs.amplification_detection, bs.precious_metal, bs.remarks, bs.photo, bs.identifying_code, bs.diamond_quality, bs.hand_ring, bs.craft, bs.instrument_photo, bs.customer_item_basis, bs.quality_photo, bs.check_point, bs.check_code, bs.mass_unit, bs.manufacturer_name, bs.manufacturer_addr, bs.result_sample_describe AS sampleDescribe, bs.test_rule AS metalRuleIdsStr, bsa.attach_id FROM view_sample_info bs JOIN bus_sample_report bsr ON bs.report_id = bsr.id JOIN bus_sample sa ON bsr.sample_id = sa.id JOIN bus_sample_attr bsa ON sa.id = bsa.id 需要按照bs.report_no 的整数来从小到大进行排序

2023-07-15 上传