External cavity diode laser as a stable-frequency light
source for application in laser cooling of molecules
Xiuxiu Yang (杨秀秀), Yanning Yin (尹燕宁), Xingjia Li (李兴佳), Supeng Xu (徐素鹏),
Yong Xia (夏 勇)*, and Jianping Yin (印建平)
State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, Department of Physics,
East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
*Corresponding author: yxia@phy.ecnu.edu.cn
Received January 12, 2016; accepted May 5, 2016; posted online May 31, 2016
We demonstrate a scheme to use a Littman configuration external cavity diode laser (ECDL) as a stable-
frequency light source to stabilize two cw single-mode Ti:sapphire lasers for laser cooling of magnesium fluoride
molecules. An ECDL based on the Littman configuration is constructed and stabilized by a digital signal proc-
essor system. We stabilize the frequency of our ECDL to 0.77 MHz precision over 10 h and the Allan standard
deviation reaches 2.6 × 10
at an integration time of 10 s. We lock two Ti:sapphire lasers through a transfer
cavity, and either laser has a long-term frequency stability of 2.5 MHz.
OCIS codes: 140.3425, 140.2020, 020.3320.
doi: 10.3788/COL201614.071403.
The quasi-closed optical cycling transition in some
diatomic molecules is formed by only using two or three
lasers to address multiple vibrational branches
. Direct
laser cooling molecules promotes rapid development for
the field of cold and ultracold molecules. Ultracold
diatomic molecules will open a new chapter for the appli-
cations ranging from precision measurement to many-
body quantum systems and cold chemistry
. Our ongoing
experiment of laser cooling molecules selects the magne-
sium fluoride (MgF) molecule as a candidate to have
the following characteristics
: (1) the X
− > A
electronic transition of the MgF molecule has highly
diagonal Franck–Condon factors; (2) a strong spontane-
ous emission decay due to the short lifetime (7–8 ns) of
its first electronically excited state A
, and a large
scattering force with a light mass; (3) the simple and spe-
cific hyperfine structure of the MgF molecule and its small
hyperfine splitting due to the electron spin (S ¼ 1∕2), nu-
clear rotation, and nuclear spin (I ¼ 1∕2) interactions for
the rotational N ¼ 1 energy level of the ground state. Due
to the more complex internal structure in an MgF mol-
ecule, the laser cooling requires several laser systems.
For tunable lasers to have a high resolution and high
accuracy, it is customary to lock the laser’s frequency
to a high-finesse reference cavity (to achieve the narrow
linewidths) and then to lock the cavity to an atomic or
molecular resonance (which then provides the long-term
stability). For the present experiments of laser-cooling
molecules, the pulsed molecular beam is produced by a
pulsed YAG laser ablation from solid targets, which can-
not provide stable saturated absorption spectroscopy to
stabilize the cooling and repumping laser frequency. There
are two main approaches to stabilizing the long-term sta-
bility of laser systems. One is to use a scanning optical cav-
ity to transfer the frequency stabilization of a He-Ne laser
to the single-mode tunable laser (such as a diode
, dye
and Ti:sapphire laser
), and the feedback is sent to the
piezo actuator of the reference cavity of the laser. A second
approach is to stabilize the lasers via optical heterodyne
measurements with light from a 100 MHz self-referenced
Er-doped fiber comb
. For stabilizing the Ti:sapphire la-
ser frequency, a stabilized He-Ne laser is often served as
the reference frequency source owing to its high long-term
stability of 2MHz
. Nevertheless, it is sensitive to the
interference of the surrounding environment, and in the
laboratory the mechanical vibration and environmental
temperature fluctuation are inevitable, thus He-Ne lasers
may not be the best choice for a reference frequency
source. By contrast, the frequency-stabilized external
cavity diode lasers (ECDLs) that served as the reference
frequency source can guard against mechanical and ther-
mal disturbances and get the high long-term stability for
Ti:sapphire lasers compared to the stabilized He-Ne lasers.
Compared to other kinds of lasers, ECDLs are a
compact, low-cost, handy, and energy-efficient option,
amenable to electric high frequency modulation and tem-
perature tuning
. ECDLs equipped with gratings are
popular with two types of the Littrow
and Littman
. As with the Littrow model, the Littman
one has a relatively lower efficiency and output power, and
overcomes the problems of mode-hopping and output
beam angular displacement. Most importantly, the laser
linewidth can be narrowed to be a one hundred kHz order
of magnitude, or narrower. There are several kinds of
frequency stabilization techniques for ECDLs, such as
the Zeeman effect method
, Fabry–Perot (F-P) cavity
, saturated absorption method
, polarization ro-
tated optical feedback method
, fluorescence spectrum
and modulation transfer spectroscopy method
We construct an ECDL based on the Littman configu-
ration, whose frequency is locked onto the rubidium (Rb)
transition. The frequency stabilization system is based
COL 14(7), 071403(2016) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS July 10, 2016
1671-7694/2016/071403(5) 071403-1 © 2016 Chinese Optics Letters