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"Swift_by_Tutorials_1_3 - Swift编程基础教程" 这是一份关于Swift编程语言的基础教程,由raywenderlich.com的专家团队撰写,包括Colin Eberhardt和Matt Galloway等人。本教程的目标是帮助读者掌握Swift 4的核心概念和语法。尽管该教程可能已有些许年代,但Swift 4的基础知识对于理解现代版本的Swift(如Swift 5或6)依然至关重要。 教程内容分为多个章节,以逐步深入的方式引导学习者: 1. **介绍**: 这部分通常会包含对Swift语言的简要历史、主要特点以及为什么选择学习Swift的讨论。它可能会涵盖Swift在iOS、macOS、watchOS和tvOS开发中的重要性,以及Apple生态系统中的应用。 2. **语言基础I**: 这一章将介绍Swift的基本语法,包括变量和常量的声明(let和var)、数据类型(Int, Double, String等)、注释、运算符以及控制流程(if语句,switch语句,for循环,while循环)。此外,还会讲解函数(functions)和闭包(closures)的基础用法。 3. **语言基础II**: 在此章节,读者将学习更高级的语法特性,如可选链(optional chaining),类型推断(type inference),模式匹配(pattern matching),以及枚举(enums)和结构体(structs)的使用。此外,还可能涉及类型别名(type aliases)和泛型(generics)。 4. **类(Classes)**: 这一章将介绍面向对象编程的关键概念——类。内容可能包括类的定义,初始化(initialization),属性(properties),方法(methods),继承(inheritance),多态(polymorphism)以及访问控制(access control:public, private, internal)。 注意,虽然此教程可能没有包含最新版本Swift的特性,如协议扩展(protocol extensions)、异步/await(async/await)等,但它仍能提供对Swift编程语言基本概念的扎实理解,这对于任何想要进入Swift开发领域的初学者来说都是宝贵的资源。在学习过程中,读者应结合最新的官方文档和更新的教程来补充和完善知识体系。
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Up to date for iOS 13, Xcode 11 & Swift 5.1 With SwiftUI, you can define what your app’s UI should do with concise, declarative language, and say goodbye to tons of confusing UIKit code. Build modern, responsive UI and animations that look great on iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS or even macOS! Build fluid and engaging declarative UI for your apps — using less code — with SwiftUI! SwiftUI by Tutorials is designed to help you learn how to transition from the “old way” of building your app UI with UIKit, to the “new way” of building responsive UI with modern declarative syntax with SwiftUI. This book is for readers who are comfortable building Swift apps, and want to make the exciting leap into building their app UI with modern, declarative code. What is SwiftUI? SwiftUI lets you build better apps, faster, and with less code. It’s a developer’s dream come true! With SwiftUI, you can design your user interfaces in a declarative way; instead of developing app interfaces in an imperative way, by coding all of the application state logic before time, you can instead define what your app’s UI should do in a particular state and let the underlying OS figure out how to do it. What’s more is that SwiftUI lets you build modern, responsive UI and animations for all Apple devices — not just iOS. So whether you’re building apps for iOS, watchOS, tvOS or any other Apple platform, you can use the same concise, natural language to describe your UI and have it look stunning — no matter where your code runs. In addition, SwiftUI’s built-in automatic support for things such as dark mode, localization and accessibility, along with Xcode 11 support for drag-and-drop design and instant preview makes it easier to build apps than ever before.
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