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Vue el-upload is used to implement dynamic multiple file uploads. The scenario for using this feature is when you need to dynamically add or delete rows and upload attachments for each row. The attachments are temporarily stored on the front-end, and when the user clicks on the "upload" button, all the attachments along with their respective names are submitted to the backend, enabling dynamic multiple file uploads for a table.
The implementation of this functionality involves using el-upload and its related hook functions, which can be referenced from the official el-upload documentation. The addition of table rows happens in a modal window, where the user can fill in the required information before the rows are inserted. However, it is also possible to directly add rows to the table and then fill in the content using template slot-scope="scope". The provided HTML code is enclosed within a div with the class "vue-box".
The HTML code includes elements for adding and deleting rows, along with the ability to upload attachments for each row. It also includes a button for submitting all the attachments and corresponding names to the backend. The button is styled using the "el-button2" class with the type set to "primary" and the size set to "mini".
Overall, the vue el-upload implementation for dynamic multiple file uploads enables a flexible and user-friendly way to handle uploading multiple files for a table, enhancing the functionality and interactivity of the application. By utilizing the el-upload component and its hook functions, the process of adding, deleting, and uploading files becomes seamless and efficient. This implementation serves as a valuable reference for developers working on similar requirements in their Vue applications.
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