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"101.Windows.Phone.7.Apps,Volume.I:Developing.Apps.1-50" 是一本面向初学者的WP7(Windows Phone 7)应用程序开发指南,作者是Adam Nathan。这本书涵盖了从基础到进阶的101个应用开发实例,旨在帮助读者逐步掌握WP7平台的软件开发技能。 在Windows Phone 7应用开发领域,本书提供了详实的教程和清晰的源代码,使得初学者能够快速理解并实践。WP7开发涉及的主要技术包括XAML(Extensible Application Markup Language)用于界面设计,C#或VB.NET作为编程语言,以及Microsoft Silverlight作为开发框架。这些技术是构建WP7应用程序的基础,通过学习本书,读者可以了解如何利用这些工具创建功能丰富的手机应用。 书中的内容按章节划分,每个章节对应一个或多个实际应用的开发过程,从简单的UI设计、数据绑定、用户交互,到更复杂的网络通信、本地存储和多媒体处理等。这些实例覆盖了常见的应用场景,如天气查询、游戏开发、社交媒体集成等,有助于读者在实践中学习和巩固理论知识。 此外,书中还强调了编程规范和最佳实践,这对于培养良好的编程习惯至关重要。读者将学习如何有效地调试代码,优化性能,以及遵循Microsoft的开发标准,以确保应用能够在Windows Phone平台上顺畅运行。 尽管本书主要面向初学者,但即使是经验丰富的开发者,也可以从中找到提升自己在WP7平台开发技巧的新思路和灵感。书中的每个项目都配有详细的步骤解释,使得学习过程更为直观易懂。同时,作者提醒读者,虽然在编写时已尽力避免错误,但仍然可能存在疏漏,因此建议读者在使用书中信息时,也要结合其他资源进行验证。 "101.Windows.Phone.7.Apps,Volume.I:Developing.Apps.1-50" 是一本全面且实用的教程,它为想要涉足或已经在Windows Phone 7应用开发领域的读者提供了宝贵的指导。通过系统地学习和实践,读者可以迅速提升自己的开发技能,并为构建高质量的WP7应用打下坚实基础。
2012-01-16 上传
Full Color INCLUDES COMPLETE CODE AND ASSETS FOR EACH APP IN THIS VOLUME! Got a great idea for an app? There’s a chapter for that! Calling all developers: Windows Phone 7 is starting to gain traction, and the opportunity is yours to sell the next killer app! 101 Windows Phone 7 Apps is a book series like no other–best-selling author and Microsoft developer Adam Nathan walks you through the process of building 101 real, robust, diverse, and marketplace-certified Silverlight applications. You not only get online access to the full source code and related assets, but the book is chock full of tips, warnings, and advice that can only come from Adam’s experience of writing so many complete applications and selling them in the Windows Phone Marketplace. Imagine how long it would take you to develop and test 50 apps and how much you would learn from the experience. Rather than spending all that time starting from scratch, use this book to hit the ground running! Whether you simply make cosmetic changes to apps in this book (for example, creating kid-themed versions), repurpose apps (such as building a mortgage calculator based on Chapter 10’s tip calculator), or build something completely unique, this book can greatly accelerate your development time and help you create high-quality apps. Sell your apps in the Windows Phone Marketplace and make this book pay for itself! Volume I contains the first 50 apps and covers the following: Everything you need to know about Silverlight Fully exploiting phone features such as the application bar, hardware/software keyboards, multi-touch, accelerometer, microphone, and more Using rich controls such as pivots, panoramas, and controls in free toolkits, such as date/time pickers, toggle switches, charts, and graphs Building your own custom controls, including popular ones missing from the platform, such as a checkable list box, multi-select picker box, and color picker Broadly applicable pages, such as a photo-cropping page and accelerometer-calibration page How to make your app look and feel like a first-party app Practical tips on a wide range of topics, even acquiring and creating sound effects, using custom fonts, and creating icons