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MATLAB, as one of the top mathematical application software in the world, plays an increasingly important role in various fields due to its powerful functions such as engineering calculation, algorithm research, engineering graphics, application development, data analysis, and dynamic simulation. This thesis mainly focuses on the design and implementation of a probability statistics visualization experiment system based on MATLAB. The design of this system mainly aims to visualize the graph of common probability distribution functions.
In this paper, MATLAB software is used to design a system that can draw the graph of common distribution functions based on the learning experience of probability theory. Visual design is the key point of this system design. The basic graphical functions implemented in this system include drawing the distribution bar graph of common discrete distributions (hypergeometric distribution, binomial distribution, and Poisson distribution) and drawing the graph of probability density function and distribution function of common continuous distributions (normal distribution, uniform distribution, and exponential distribution).
Through the design and implementation of the probability statistics visualization experiment system based on MATLAB, this thesis will play a positive role in promoting the transformation of educational concepts and fostering students' innovative and practical abilities. On the other hand, the mathematical experiment system will promote the modernization of teaching methods and the pace of students' mastery of advanced mathematical tools.
Keywords: mathematical experiment; probability theory; graphical user interface; GUI
1094 浏览量
- 粉丝: 388
- 资源: 8万+
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