Research Article
Granular Computing Classification Algorithms Based on
Distance Measures between Granules from the View of Set
Hongbing Liu, Chunhua Liu, and Chang-an Wu
School of Computer and Information Technology, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Hongbing Liu;
Received October ; Revised January ; Accepted January ; Published March
Academic Editor: Saeid Sanei
Copyright © Hongbing Liu et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Granular computing classication algorithms are proposed based on distance measures between two granules from the view of
set. Firstly, granules are represented as the forms of hyperdiamond, hypersphere, hypercube, and hyperbox. Secondly, the distance
measure between two granules is dened from the view of set, and the union operator between two granules is formed to obtain the
granule set including the granules with dierent granularity. irdly the threshold of granularity determines the union between two
granules and is used to form the granular computing classication algorithms based on distance measures (DGrC). e benchmark
datasets in UCI Machine Learning Repository are used to verify the performance of DGrC, and experimental results show that
DGrC improved the testing accuracies.
1. Introduction
Granular computing (GrC) is computing method based on
recognition, information system, and so forth. Zadeh identi-
ed three fundamental concepts of the human cognition pro-
cess, namely, granulation, organization, and causation [, ].
parts. Conversely, organization is a process that integrates
parts into a universe by introducing operation between two
granules. Causation involves the association of causes and
eects. Information granules based on sets, fuzzy sets or rel-
ations, and fuzzy relations are computed in []. In general, the
fuzzy inclusion measure is induced by granule and union gra-
nule, such as the positive valuation functions of granules that
are used to form the fuzzy inclusion measure [–]. But there
are some problems; for example, the fuzzy inclusion measure
between two atomic granules is zero no matter how far
between two atomic granules is. ese studies enable us to
map the complexities of the world around us into simple
digm that regards the set of objects as granule, and the union
union operator and meet operator are related to the shapes
of granule. ere are granules with dierent shapes, such as
hypersphere granules, hypercube granules, hyperdiamond
granules, and hyperbox granules.
e present work uses distance measure between granules
with the same shapes from the view of set. A granule is re-
presented as a vector, and the distance between granules is
dened by the centers of granules and the granularities, such
as the half length of hyperdiamond diagonal, the radii of
hypersphere, the half length of hypercube side, and the length
of hyperbox diagonal. e granular computing classication
algorithms based on distance measure (DGrC) are proposed.
e rest of this paper is presented as follows. Granular
computing classication algorithm based on distance mea-
sure is described in Section . Section demonstrates the
comparative experimental results on two-class and multiclass
problems. Section summarizes the contribution of our work
and presents future work plans.
2. Granular Computing Classification
Algorithm Based on Distance Measure
For the dataset ={(
) | = 1,2,...,}in -dimen-
sional space, we construct granular computing classication
algorithms (GrC) in terms of the following steps. Firstly, the
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume 2014, Article ID 656790, 9 pages