May 31, 2007 / Vol. 5, Supplement / CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS S111
Second harmonic generation of high peak power,
high repetition rate from Yb-doped fiber amplifier
Hiroaki Sunaga, Ryusuke Horiuchi, Kazuya Jyosui, Kazuyoku Tei,
Shigeru Yamaguchi, Kenzo Nanri, and Tomoo Fujioka
Department of Physics, Tokai University, 1117 Kitaka name Hiratuka-shi Kanagawa 259-1292, Japan
A high peak power, high repetition rate master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) system incorporating
an Yb-doped fiber amplifier and its second harmonic generation (SHG) were investigated in detail. The
oscillator is actively Q-switched microchip laser at repetition rate of 50 kHz with a pulse width of 2.8
ns. The amplifier employing Yb-doped polarization maintaining fiber and having a large mode area was
excited by a laser diode with an optical power of 17 W. As results, the amplified average output power of 10
W and optical-optical conversion efficiency of 59% were achieved. In this MOPA system, experiments were
performed by using KTP and LBO crystals. The conversion efficiency of 21% and 40%, SHG maximum
power of 0.92 and 3.3 W were obtained for KTP and LBO crystals respectively.
OCIS codes: 190.2620, 060.2320, 140.4480.
Nanosecond high peak power sources of near-infrared,
visible and ultraviolet radiation are expected for indus-
try, and medical applications
. Especially high rep-
etition, short pulse laser is requested from industrial.
The Yb-doped fiber master oscillator power amplifier
(MOPA) system, which can generate high peak power
and high repetition rate pulses, and has many other
advantages, such as vibration-proof, compactness and
water free for cooling
, has been attractive for in-
dustrial micro-machining
. In our system, a compact
actively Q-switched microchip laser is amplified in an
Yb-doped fiber. The gain material of the microchip laser
is Nd:YVO
which ensures high gain and short pulse
width at higher repetition rate. The seed pulse of wave-
length 1064 nm is amplified in the Yb-doped double-clad
fiber, which has the emission of Yb-ion from 1000 to 1100
nm. The upper limit of peak power in a fiber amplifier is
determined by the fiber nonlinearities, such as stimulated
Brillouin scattering (SBS), stimulated Raman scattering
(SRS) and self-focusing
. The increased mode area
of double-clad fiber pushes up the limit of peak power
limited by the above fiber nonlinearities.
In this paper, the amplification characteristic of Yb-
doped fiber MOPA system is studied, and the second
harmonic generation (SHG) (532 nm) efficiencies by us-
ing KTP and LBO crystal are compared. The mismatch-
ing influence of the self phase modulation (SPM) in fiber
on SHG is also discussed.
Figure 1 shows the Yb-doped fiber MOPA system and
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the optical system.
SHG. For the present experiment, the fiber amplifier
was seeded with the 1064-nm output of the Q-switched
microchip laser, which was pumped by an 808-
nm diode laser. The seed light produced with a nearly
Gaussian temporal profile (2.8 ns, full width at half max-
imum (FWHM)) and an pulse energy of 9.4 μJatarep-
etition rate of 50 kHz.
The Yb-doped polarization maintaining double-clad
fiber is used as the gain material. The high pulse energy
and peak power were enabled by the use of large mode
area core fiber. The Yb-doped fiber had a core diameter
of 30 μm, numerical aperture of 0.06. The Yb-doped fiber
was pumped by a laser diode operated at wavelength of
978 nm and output of 17 W. The seed pulse and pump
light were counter-propagating
The second harmonic (532 nm) of the amplifier out-
put was generated by KTP and LBO crystals. The KTP
crystal was arranged at the position with a beam waist
radius of 162.4 μm. The critical phase matching of type
II (θ =90
, ϕ =23.5
) was selected for KTP, and its size
was 5×5×10 (mm). The LBO crystal was arranged at the
position with a beam waist radius of 66.2 μmandthe
temperature was maintained at 148
C. The non-critical
phase matching of type I (θ =90
, ϕ =0
) was selected
for LBO. The size was 3×3×10 (mm). The proper po-
larization orientation was selected by λ/2 plate.
Figure 2 shows the amplification characteristic of Yb-
doped fiber MOPA system of 1064 nm. When the fiber
was pumped by the maximum LD power of 17 W, the
amplified output power of 10 W was obtained with the
optical-optical efficiency of 59%. The corresponding peak
power was 71.4 kW. In this case, the average input power
of seed pulses was 0.33 W. The limit of maximum peak
power is decided by nonlinear effects in fiber rather than
optical damage in our case. SRS limits the peak power
as well.
The threshold power in relation with SRS that occurs
in fibers can be approximated as
, (1)
where g
is Raman gain, A
is the effective mode field
area, L
is the effective fiber length and K is the po-
larization dependence factor
. It is assumed that
2007 Chinese Optics Letters