Vector Algebra and Calculus (Chaps. 9–10)
Fourier Series and PDEs (Chaps. 11–12, Secs. 21.4–21.7)
Introduction to Complex Analysis (Chaps. 13–17)
Numeric Analysis (Chaps. 19, 21)
Numeric Linear Algebra (Chap. 20)
Optimization (Chaps. 22–23)
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (Chap. 23)
Probability and Statistics (Chaps. 24–25)
We are indebted to former teachers, colleagues, and students who helped us directly or
indirectly in preparing this book, in particular this new edition. We profited greatly from
discussions with engineers, physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, and others,
and from their written comments. We would like to mention in particular Professors
Y. A. Antipov, R. Belinski, S. L. Campbell, R. Carr, P. L. Chambré, Isabel F. Cruz,
Z. Davis, D. Dicker, L. D. Drager, D. Ellis, W. Fox, A. Goriely, R. B. Guenther,
J. B. Handley, N. Harbertson, A. Hassen, V. W. Howe, H. Kuhn, K. Millet, J. D. Moore,
W. D. Munroe, A. Nadim, B. S. Ng, J. N. Ong, P. J. Pritchard, W. O. Ray, L. F. Shampine,
H. L. Smith, Roberto Tamassia, A. L. Villone, H. J. Weiss, A. Wilansky, Neil M. Wigley,
and L. Ying; Maria E. and Jorge A. Miranda, JD, all from the United States; Professors
Wayne H. Enright, Francis. L. Lemire, James J. Little, David G. Lowe, Gerry McPhail,
Theodore S. Norvell, and R. Vaillancourt; Jeff Seiler and David Stanley, all from Canada;
and Professor Eugen Eichhorn, Gisela Heckler, Dr. Gunnar Schroeder, and Wiltrud
Stiefenhofer from Europe. Furthermore, we would like to thank Professors John
B. Donaldson, Bruce C. N. Greenwald, Jonathan L. Gross, Morris B. Holbrook, John
R. Kender, and Bernd Schmitt; and Nicholaiv Villalobos, all from Columbia University,
New York; as well as Dr. Pearl Chang, Chris Gee, Mike Hale, Joshua Jayasingh, MD,
David Kahr, Mike Lee, R. Richard Royce, Elaine Schattner, MD, Raheel Siddiqui, Robert
Sullivan, MD, Nancy Veit, and Ana M. Kreyszig, JD, all from New York City. We would
also like to gratefully acknowledge the use of facilities at Carleton University, Ottawa,
and Columbia University, New York.
Furthermore we wish to thank John Wiley and Sons, in particular Publisher Laurie
Rosatone, Editor Shannon Corliss, Production Editor Barbara Russiello, Media Editor
Melissa Edwards, Text and Cover Designer Madelyn Lesure, and Photo Editor Sheena
Goldstein for their great care and dedication in preparing this edition. In the same vein,
we would also like to thank Beatrice Ruberto, copy editor and proofreader, WordCo, for
the Index, and Joyce Franzen of PreMedia and those of PreMedia Global who typeset this
Suggestions of many readers worldwide were evaluated in preparing this edition.
Further comments and suggestions for improving the book will be gratefully received.
Preface xiii