Photonic analog-to-digital conversion using multiple comparators
and Mach-Zehnder modulators with identical half-wave voltages
Shuna Yang
, Zhiguo Shi
, Hao Chi
, Xianmin Zhang
, Shilie Zheng
, Xiaofeng Jin
, Jianping Yao
Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Microwave Photonics Research Laboratory, School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada K1N 6N5
article info
Article history:
Received 10 August 2008
Received in revised form 6 October 2008
Accepted 17 October 2008
Photonic analog-to-digital converter
Mach-Zehnder modulator
Symmetrical number system
A novel photonic analog-to-digital conversion scheme using Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZMs) with
identical half-wave voltages and multiple comparators with improved bit resolution is proposed and
demonstrated. Compared with the scheme using MZMs with geometrically scaled half-wave voltages,
the proposed scheme has the advantage of using MZMs with identical half-wave voltages which simplify
significantly the implementation. The bit resolution is improved based on the use of multiple compara-
tors in each MZM channel, with the digital coding realized based on the symmetrical number system the-
ory. A proof-of-concept experiment is implemented. An analog-to-digital converter with a 4-bit
resolution using two MZMs and nine comparators is demonstrated.
Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) realized in the optical do-
main has been an attractive research topic for many years thanks
to the unique ability of ultra high speed sampling offered by the
state-of-the-art optical mode-locked lasers. By now, numerous ap-
proaches to realizing optical sampling and optical quantization
have been proposed and demonstrated [1]. A well-known architec-
ture for photonic ADC is the scheme proposed by Taylor, in which
an array of parallel Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZMs) are used
[2], with geometrically scaled half-wave voltages (V
) realized by
controlling the electrode lengths of the MZMs. The major limita-
tion related to Taylor’s scheme is that the V
of the MZM at the
least significant bit (LSB) should be very low, which is difficult to
realize using current waveguide technology. To avoid using MZMs
with very low V
, an approach employing cascaded MZMs with
identical V
was proposed [3,4].
Instead of using an array of MZMs, a photonic ADC can also be
realized using a single modulator. Recently, Stigwall et al. proposed
a photonic ADC with a free-space interferometric structure in
which a phase modulator is incorporated in one arm of the inter-
ferometer [5,6]. By placing an array of photodetectors (PDs) at
the specific locations of the diffraction pattern generated at the
output of the interferometer, digital data in the form of a linear
binary code are generated. A similar scheme was recently demon-
strated by Li et al., where the interferometric structure was real-
ized based on a fiber-optic platform, which makes the system
more compact [7]. More recently, we proposed a new scheme of
photonic ADC using MZMs with identical half-wave voltages [8].
The quantization and digital coding are achieved by properly bias-
ing the MZMs, with each MZM being connected to a comparator
with the threshold setting at half of the maximum voltage. A bin-
ary code representing the input analog signal is generated. Com-
pared with the Taylor’s scheme, the bit resolution achieved in [8]
is smaller. For an ADC using n MZMs, the bit resolution is log
(2n); while in the Taylor’s scheme, the number of bit resolution
equals to the number of MZMs employed.
To increase the bit resolution without increasing the number of
MZMs, Pace et al. proposed to use multiple comparators with each
having a different threshold level [9]. The digital coding is achieved
based on the theory of symmetrical number system (SNS). It is
shown that by using multiple comparators with the SNS encoding,
a bit resolution greater than one for each channel (corresponding
to a MZM) can be obtained. To avoid the ambiguity problem, the
MZMs should have a small difference in V
[9]. Therefore, the dif-
ficulty in implementing the MZMs with different V
still exists.
In this paper, a novel scheme for photonic ADC using an array of
MZMs with identical V
and multiple comparators for each channel
is presented. By setting the threshold values of the comparators
based on the SNS technique, an increased bit resolution is obtained.
To avoid the ambiguity problem, the MZMs are biased at different
bias points. This is the key advantage compared with the approach
by Pace et al. [9], where the MZMs are with different V
, which
complicated significantly the system implementation. A photonic
ADC scheme with a 4-bit resolution using two MZMs and nine
0030-4018/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 571 87953855.
E-mail addresses: (Z. Shi), (H. Chi), (X. Zhang), (S. Zheng), jpyao@site. (J. Yao).
Optics Communications 282 (2009) 504–507
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