
3 下载量 144 浏览量 更新于2024-03-15 收藏 1.15MB DOCX 举报
ith the arrival of the Internet era and the rapid development of computer network technology, the application of network management has become increasingly widespread. Therefore, establishing a web-based management system for Xinglin traditional Chinese medicine clinics will systematize and standardize the management work of traditional Chinese medicine clinics, as well as enhance the platform's image and improve management efficiency. This intelligent integrated management system is designed to meet the actual needs of Xinglin traditional Chinese medicine clinics. Starting from the actual work, it analyzes the problems existing in the management of traditional Chinese medicine clinics in the past. By combining the structure, concepts, models, principles, and methods of computer systems and taking advantage of various computer systems, the system is designed and implemented using the most popular B/S structure, Java technology, and MySQL database. The management system of Xinglin traditional Chinese medicine clinics includes modules such as login, system management, administrator management, doctor management, and user management. It helps traditional Chinese medicine clinics achieve informatization and networking. Through testing, the system has achieved its design goals. Compared to traditional management models, this system effectively utilizes network data resources, reduces economic investment in traditional Chinese medicine clinic management, and greatly improves management efficiency. Keywords: Spring Boot, Java Language, MySQL Database, Management of Xinglin traditional Chinese medicine clinic.
2023-06-10 上传