第 35 卷 第 11 期
2015 年 11 月
Vol. 35, No. 11
November, 2015
光 学 学 报
付 旭 冒进斌 许 吉 陆云清 王 瑾
南京邮电大学光电工程学院, 江苏 南京 210023
摘要 提出在阵列波导光栅(AWG)中采用光学非对称平板波导,以消除嵌入半波片的阵列波导光栅中残留偏振敏感
消除了残留的偏振敏感性。针对聚合物材料 AWG 的模拟结果显示,当输入、输出平板波导的温度差为 24 °C 时,已
可消除 32.43 pm 的 残留偏振 敏感性。进一步研究 发现,当输入 与输出平 板波导温度改变量相 等但符号 相反时,能
够很好地避免因温度改变而引起的中心波长漂移。该方法具有结构简单、温控可 调等优点,而且 还可弥补其 他因
关键词 光通信; 阵列波导光栅; 偏振敏感性; 半波片; 热光效应
中图分类号 TN256 文献标识码 A
doi: 10.3788/AOS201535.1113001
Study of Eliminating Residual Polarization Sensitivity of Array
Waveguide Grating with an Embedded Half-Wave Plate
Fu Xu Mao Jinbin Xu Ji Lu Yunqing Wang Jin
School of Optoelectronic Engineering, Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunications, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China
Abstract To eliminate the residual polarization sensitivity of arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) embedded with
a half- wave plate, a strategy using optically asymmetrical slab waveguides is proposed. An improved transfer
function is given to analyze the polarization mode conversion process with a half-wave plate embedded in AWG.
For the exemplary case that the half-wave plate is not embedded in the middle of AWG due to fabrication errors,
the thermo-optic effect is utilized to adjust the birefringence of the slab waveguides to realize optical asymmetry
of them, and the residual polarization sensitivity is eliminated. For the polymer AWG, the simulation results show
that when the temperature difference between the input and output slab waveguides is 24 ° C, the residual
polarization sensitivity of 32.43 pm can be eliminated. Further the research reveals that the AWG center wavelength
drifting can be avoided when the temperature difference of the input and output slab waveguides is equal but with
an opposite sign. The proposed method has advantages, such as simple structure and adjustable temperature control,
and can also be useful to eliminate the residual polarization sensitivity caused by other factors associated with
embedded half-wave plate.
Key words optical communications; arrayed waveguide grating; polarization sensitivity; half- wave plate;
thermo-optic effect
OCIS Codes 130.3120; 050.2770; 160.6840
收稿日期: 2015-06-04; 收到修改稿日期: 2015-06-24
基金 项 目: 江苏省 自然科学 基金(BK20131383)、江苏省 普通高校 研究生科 研创新计 划项目(SJLX_0361)、国 家自然科 学基
作者简介: 付 旭(1991—),男,硕士研究生,主要从事光通信与聚合物材料方面的研究。E-mail: fuxunuptt@163.com
导师简介: 王 瑾(1972—),男,博士,教授,主要从事光纤通信与集成光学器件方面的研究
E-mail: jinwang@njupt.edu.cn (通信联系人)
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