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Chapter 12: Combination and Inheritance In Chapter 12 of the presentation slides on "Combination and Inheritance," we delve into the concepts of composition, inheritance, virtual functions and polymorphism, pure virtual functions and abstract classes, and multiple inheritance. Composition involves incorporating objects of user-defined classes as data members of a new class. It represents an aggregation relationship, signifying a part-whole connection. Initialization lists are essential for initializing object members in composition. For instance, consider defining a complex number class where the real and imaginary parts are represented by rational numbers. The class can be defined as: ```cpp class Complex { friend Complex operator+(Complex x, Complex y); friend istream... ``` Inheritance, on the other hand, allows a new class to inherit attributes and behaviors from an existing base class. This facilitates code reusability and establishes an "is a" relationship between the derived and base classes. Inheritance promotes modularity and enhances code readability. Virtual functions and polymorphism play a crucial role in enabling dynamic binding and runtime function calls based on the type of objects. Pure virtual functions in abstract classes serve as a blueprint for derived classes to implement their specific functionalities. While inheritance provides a powerful mechanism for code reuse, multiple inheritance introduces complexities due to the potential for ambiguity and diamond problem. Careful design and management are essential in handling multiple inheritance to avoid conflicts and maintain code clarity. In conclusion, understanding the principles of composition and inheritance is essential in object-oriented programming. By grasping the nuances of these concepts, developers can create flexible, extensible, and maintainable code structures that adhere to the principles of modularity, encapsulation, and polymorphism.