基于SpringBoot Vue前后端分离的物业管理系统设计与实现
Based on the SpringBoot Vue front-end and back-end separation mode, the design and implementation of the property management system are aimed at meeting the various needs of different users for property management, which is conducive to the harmonious development of society and the improvement of people's quality of life. In the development of this property management information system, the latest technologies and methods are attempted to be used. The framework design adopts the MVC mode, and the implementation of the code uses Vue and Java Bean network programming technologies, with the backend database managed by MySQL. The system has complete information management functions, establishing a scientific management process for property companies. The interface design of this system is simple and generous, users can quickly get started and familiar with operation, it is a daily affairs management software suitable for ordinary residential property management. This software design can realize the daily management of basic real estate, owners, and communities, improving the efficiency of property management. Key words: property management system; MVC mode; MySQL database management system.
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