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"ARM架构参考手册(第2版).pdf" 《ARM架构参考手册(第2版)》是ARM Limited出版的一本权威性技术文档,详细介绍了ARM架构的各个方面,覆盖了从1996年至2000年的更新内容。这本书是理解、设计和开发基于ARM处理器系统的基础资料。 本书的主要内容可能包括以下几个核心知识点: 1. **ARM指令集架构**:ARM架构的核心是其指令集,手册会详细解释每条指令的功能、用法以及在硬件中的实现。这包括 ARM 指令集的不同版本,如ARM7TDMI、ARM9TDMI、ARM9E-S等,以及Thumb和StrongARM指令集的扩展。 2. **处理器核心特性**:手册会详细介绍各个特定的处理器内核,如它们的性能指标、流水线结构、中断处理机制、缓存系统、调试接口等。例如,ARM7TDMI-S内核包含增强型TDMI( Thumb Data Integrity)功能和单步执行支持。 3. **内存管理与寻址**:ARM架构的内存模型和地址映射方法是系统设计的关键部分,手册会涵盖虚拟内存、物理内存、页表结构、存储器类型(如I/O空间、数据空间)等。 4. **异常和中断处理**:手册会详细阐述如何处理各种异常情况,如数据访问错误、预取指令错误,以及中断请求的处理流程。 5. **系统接口与总线规范**:ARM处理器通常使用AMBA(Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture)总线协议与其他组件通信。手册会解释AMBA协议的不同版本(如AHB、APB)及其工作原理。 6. **调试工具与接口**:如Embedded ICE(嵌入式ICE)和Multi-ICE,这些调试工具的接口和使用方法对于开发者来说至关重要,用于在硬件级别调试代码。 7. **知识产权保护**:手册中强调了对内容的版权保护,未经许可,不得改编或复制任何部分。 8. **产品发展与改进**:手册指出,书中描述的产品和技术处于持续发展和改进中,因此读者需要注意实时获取最新的技术信息。 此手册是开发人员、系统架构师、硬件工程师和软件开发者的重要参考资料,有助于他们在设计和优化基于ARM处理器的系统时做出正确的决策。通过深入理解和应用书中提供的信息,可以有效地提升系统的性能和可靠性。
2016-12-29 上传
This manual describes the ARM® architecture v8, ARMv8. The architecture describes the operation of an ARMv8-A Processing element (PE), and this manual includes descriptions of: • The two Execution states, AArch64 and AArch32. • The instruction sets: — In AArch32 state, the A32 and T32 instruction sets, that are compatible with earlier versions of the ARM architecture. — In AArch64 state, the A64 instruction set. • The states that determine how a PE operates, including the current Exception level and Security state, and in AArch32 state the PE mode. • The Exception model. • The interprocessing model, that supports transitioning between AArch64 state and AArch32 state. • The memory model, that defines memory ordering and memory management. This manual covers a single architecture profile, ARMv8-A, that defines a Virtual Memory System Architecture (VMSA). • The programmers’ model, and its interfaces to System registers that control most PE and memory system features, and provide status information. • The Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions, that provide high-performance: — Single-precision and double-precision floating-point operations. — Conversions between double-precision, single-precision, and half-precision floating-point values. — Integer, single-precision floating-point, and in A64, double-precision vector operations in all instruction sets. — Double-precision floating-point vector operations in the A64 instruction set. • The security model, that provides two security states to support secure applications. • The virtualization model, that support the virtualization of Non-secure operation. • The Debug architecture, that provides software access to debug features.