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深度卷积神经网络(Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, CNNs)是近年来在计算机视觉领域展现出卓越性能的关键技术。作为神经网络的一种特殊类型,CNN通过多层非线性特征提取阶段,能够自动学习数据中的层次化表示,从而实现了强大的学习能力。随着大数据的丰富和硬件处理单元的提升,研究者们对CNN架构的探索不断加速,催生了许多引人注目的深度CNN设计。 近期,CNN架构竞赛在挑战性的基准测试上争夺高效率,这表明创新的网络结构设计以及参数优化策略对于提高CNN在图像识别、物体检测、语义分割等视觉任务中的性能至关重要。本综述文章详细梳理了这些最新的深度CNN架构,包括但不限于: 1. **深度学习模块**:文章深入讨论了深度网络的堆叠层次,如残差连接(Residual Connections)、注意力机制(Attention Mechanisms)和自注意力网络(Self-Attention Networks),它们如何增强模型的学习能力和泛化能力。 2. **卷积层创新**:卷积核大小、步长、填充策略的优化,以及各种类型的卷积(如深度可分离卷积、混合卷积等)都在文中被提及,它们如何减少计算量和内存消耗,同时保持或提高性能。 3. **池化层和下采样**:文章分析了不同类型的池化(如最大池化、平均池化、全局池化)以及不同层之间的空间金字塔池化(Spatial Pyramid Pooling)如何在保持信息的同时降低维度。 4. **膨胀卷积(Dilated Convolution)与跳跃连接(Skip Connections)**:这两种技术在扩展感受野和保留低级特征信息方面的作用,以及它们如何促进特征融合。 5. **参数优化与正则化**:文章介绍了优化器的选择(如Adam、SGD)、学习率调整策略(如学习率衰减、 warm-up策略)以及防止过拟合的策略,如批量归一化(Batch Normalization)和Dropout。 6. **迁移学习与微调**:针对预训练模型(如VGG、ResNet、Inception等)在特定任务上的应用和调整,如何利用已有的大规模预训练数据提高新任务的性能。 7. **动态网络结构**:如可适应性网络(Adaptive Networks)、可变形卷积(Deformable Convolution)和生成对抗网络(GANs)在CNN架构中的运用,增强了模型的灵活性和对复杂场景的适应性。 8. **硬件加速与并行计算**:针对GPU、TPU等硬件平台,如何设计高效的并行计算方案来加速CNN的训练和推理。 这篇综述为读者提供了一个全面的视角,概述了当前深度CNN架构的最新进展和关键突破,旨在帮助研究人员和工程师更好地理解和应用这些技术,以推动计算机视觉领域的进一步发展。
2019-07-28 上传
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a special type of Neural Networks, which have shown state-of-the-art results on various competitive benchmarks. The powerful learning ability of deep CNN is largely achieved with the use of multiple feature extraction stages that can automatically learn hierarchical representations from the data. Availability of a large amount of data and improvements in the hardware processing units have accelerated the research in CNNs, and recently very interesting deep CNN architectures are reported. The recent race in developing deep CNN architectures has shown that the innovative architectural ideas, as well as parameter optimization, can improve the CNN performance on various vision-related tasks. In this regard, different ideas in the CNN design have been explored such as the use of different activation and loss functions, parameter optimization, regularization, and restructuring of the processing units. However, the major improvement in representational capacity of the deep CNN is achieved by the restructuring of the processing units. Especially, the idea of using a block as a structural unit instead of a layer is receiving substantial attention. This survey thus focuses on the intrinsic taxonomy present in the recently reported deep CNN architectures and consequently, classifies the recent innovations in CNN architectures into seven different categories. These seven categories are based on spatial exploitation, depth, multi-path, width, feature map exploitation, channel boosting, and attention. Additionally, it covers the elementary understanding of the CNN components and sheds light on the current challenges and applications of CNNs.