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"Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-Driven Approach" 本书主要探讨的是软件架构设计中的核心概念,强调在实际项目中如何实现“恰到好处”的架构,而非过于复杂或过于简单。作者通过自身的深厚软件架构理论知识和丰富的行业经验,提供了一种面向风险驱动的实用方法论。 在软件开发初期,尽管有许多关于编程语言和对象导向编程的书籍,但针对设计和架构的书籍相对较少。掌握一种编程语言的特性,并不意味着能够设计出优秀的面向对象系统,同样,了解统一建模语言(UML)并不等同于能够构建一个好的系统架构。因此,《Just Enough Software Architecture》旨在填补这一空白,帮助程序员、开发者、测试者、架构师和经理等人理解并应用必要的架构知识。 书中受到业界专家的高度评价,认为是初涉软件架构领域的必读之作。它不仅涵盖了所有相关人员需要了解的基础概念,还提供了可立即实践的务实建议。书中的内容紧密贴合实际项目环境,使读者能够识别自己的工作情境,并从中学习如何改进设计实践。 作者Fairbanks特别关注“恰到好处”的架构,这对于试图在实际项目中找到合适架构平衡点的开发者来说具有很高的吸引力。他提出的“风险驱动”方法论,意味着在设计过程中要考虑到潜在的风险和不确定性,以确保架构的灵活性、可扩展性和维护性,同时避免过度设计。 书中可能会涵盖以下关键知识点: 1. **软件架构基础**:介绍软件架构的基本原理,包括模块化、组件化、接口设计、依赖管理等。 2. **风险识别与管理**:讲解如何在设计阶段识别和评估项目中的技术风险,以及如何构建能够应对这些风险的架构。 3. **面向迭代的架构设计**:倡导适应敏捷开发方法,强调在每个迭代中不断完善和调整架构。 4. **架构决策与权衡**:讨论在不同设计选择之间做出决策时,如何考虑性能、成本、时间约束和未来扩展性等因素。 5. **沟通与协作**:阐述在团队中有效传达架构设计的重要性,以及如何与利益相关者进行有效的沟通。 6. **案例研究**:通过实际项目案例分析,展示如何应用书中的原则和技巧来改进软件架构。 7. **评估与演进**:介绍评估架构质量的方法,以及如何随着项目的发展和需求变化对架构进行演进。 通过阅读本书,读者可以提升对软件架构的理解,学会在实际项目中运用风险驱动的方法,设计出既满足功能需求,又能适应变化的高效架构。对于软件开发团队的各个角色而言,这本书都是一个宝贵的资源,有助于提升整个团队的设计能力和项目成功率。
2018-10-19 上传
This is a practical guide for software developers, and different than other software architecture books. Here’s why: It teaches risk-driven architecting. There is no need for meticulous designs when risks are small, nor any excuse for sloppy designs when risks threaten your success. This book describes a way to do just enough architecture. It avoids the one-size-fits-all process tar pit with advice on how to tune your design effort based on the risks you face. It democratizes architecture. This book seeks to make architecture relevant to all software developers. Developers need to understand how to use constraints as guiderails that ensure desired outcomes, and how seemingly small changes can affect a system’s properties. It cultivates declarative knowledge. There is a difference between being able to hit a ball and knowing why you are able to hit it, what psychologists refer to as procedural knowledge versus declarative knowledge. This book will make you more aware of what you have been doing and provide names for the concepts. It emphasizes the engineering. This book focuses on the technical parts of software development and what developers do to ensure the system works not job titles or processes. It shows you how to build models and analyze architectures so that you can make principled design tradeoffs. It describes the techniques software designers use to reason about medium to large sized problems and points out where you can learn specialized techniques in more detail. It provides practical advice. Software design decisions influence the architecture and vice versa. The approach in this book embraces drill-down/pop-up behavior by describing models that have various levels of abstraction, from architecture to data structure design.