LLC Encoded BoW Features And Softmax
Regression for Microscopic Image Classification
Dongyun Lin
, Zhiping Lin
, Lei Sun
, Kar-Ann Toh
and Jiuwen Cao
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 639798, Singapore
School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, PR China
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, Korea
Key Lab for IOT and Information Fusion Technology of Zhejiang, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 310018, China
Abstract—This paper proposes a method based on the bag-of-
words (BoW) and the softmax regression for microscopic image
classification. Essentially, the locality-constrained linear coding
(LLC) is adopted for local feature encoding. Compared with the
traditionally adopted vector quantization (VQ) in the BoW frame-
work, the LLC encodes local structures of microscopic images
with lower quantization errors and generates a sparse image
representation. This enables the use of linear classifiers with
low computational complexity. A softmax regression classifier is
then adopted to address the multi-categorical classification task
where the confidence of categorical prediction is quantified by
posterior probabilities. Compared with other linear classifiers
(such as the linear SVM) which only assign labels to images,
such probabilistic outputs provide extra quantitative information
to analyze misclassified images. Our experiments on the 2D-
Hela and the PAP smear data sets show significant performance
improvement of the proposed method comparing with competing
methods using different features and classifiers under the BoW
Keywords—bag-of-words (BoW); locality-constrained linear
coding (LLC); softmax regression classifier; microscopic image
Recent advances in cell biology and microscope automation
produce a large-scale of biomedical images. The microscopic
image is one of the most important type of biomedical images
which plays a crucial role in the study of subcellular biological
structures. For instance, the subcellular localization of proteins
is obtained through microscopic images of cells stained with
monoclonal antibodies with respect to specific endogenous
proteins [1]. In addition, multiple diseases [2][3] are studied
through biomedical screening and imaging. One important
medical application is that human cells can be stained using
the Papanicolaou method and the microscopic images of these
cells are examined for possibility of cancers [4]. Due to
the high complexity and diversity of such images, the task
of microscopic image classification is traditionally addressed
by visual inspection based on human knowledge. However,
such human inspection is not only time consuming, but also
subjective and inaccurate. Hence, there is a growing number of
research works on developing automated methods to classify
microscopic images.
A general pipeline for microscopic image classification
consists of two stages, i.e., feature extraction and classifier
training. In the feature extraction stage, features such as
Zernike moments [5], Gabor [6], curvelet [7], local binary
patterns (LBP) [8] are extracted to form feature representations
of training images. In the classifier training stage, classifiers
are trained based on these features. Popular classifiers adopted
in microscopic image classification include support vector
machines [5][9] and artificial neural networks [7]. The bag-
of-words (BoW) [10] is a popular model for forming a
discriminative representation of local features from an image.
Motivated by the successful application of BoW in na-
ture object/scene recognition tasks [11][12][13], we propose
a classification method for microscopic image classification
under the BoW framework. In the feature extraction stage,
the dense SIFT features are extracted and encoded using the
locality-constrained linear coding (LLC) [12] to form effective
sparse representation of training images. In the classifier train-
ing stage, a softmax regression classifier is trained on these
features for multi-categorical classification.
The main contributions of this paper are three-folds: (i) The
encoding of local structures of microscopic images by LLC
produces lower quantization errors than the traditional vector
quantization (VQ) technique. The final image representation
through LLC can be classified using linear classifiers with
low computational complexity. (ii) The design of a softmax
regression classifier shows better generalization performance
compared with the competing methods for multi-categorical
classification problems. (iii) The softmax regression can gen-
erate probabilistic outputs to quantify classification confidence
which are useful for analysis of misclassified images. Our
experiments on two benchmark data sets of microscopic im-
ages, namely the 2D-Hela [1] and the PAP smear [4] data
sets, show significantly improved classification accuracy of
the proposed method compared with the recently published
microscopic image classification methods under the BoW
framework. Specifically, the proposed method achieves 89.37%
and 89.96% classification accuracies for the 2D-Hela and the
PAP smear data sets, respectively. The performance gains for
2D-Hela and PAP are 3.16% and 2.33% compared with the
competing methods.
The remaining parts of the paper are organized as follows.
Section II presents the details of the proposed method. In
Section III, the proposed method is compared with the state-of-
art competing methods under the BoW framework on 2D-Hela
[1] and PAP smear [4] data sets. Finally, Section IV concludes
the entire paper.
978-1-4673-6853-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE