
需积分: 9 5 下载量 147 浏览量 更新于2024-07-18 收藏 8.03MB PDF 举报
"《Getting to Know Vue.js》是一本深入浅出的教程,旨在帮助读者理解和掌握Vue.js框架,从而构建高效、可复用的单页应用程序(SPA)。本书从零开始引导读者学习如何利用Vue.js进行开发,特别关注以下几个关键知识点: 1. 避免代码冗余:Vue.js通过模板和组件系统,帮助开发者在渲染列表时避免重复编写代码结构,提升开发效率。通过创建自定义组件,可以将可重用的代码片段封装起来,适应不同业务场景。 2. 条件渲染与事件处理:书中讲解了如何使用Vue.js的条件渲染功能,根据数据变化动态地展示或隐藏元素,以及如何有效地处理用户交互和事件驱动的编程模式。 3. 构建工具与兼容性:介绍了如何使用构建工具将Vue.js代码转换为ES5,确保跨浏览器兼容性。这对于新手来说至关重要,因为这涉及到现代前端开发的实践。 4. 单文件组件(Single File Component, SFC):作者着重介绍了如何使用SFC,这是一种在单一文件中包含HTML、CSS和JavaScript的开发模式,极大地提高了开发者的生产力和代码组织性。 5. Vue.js命令行界面(Vue CLI):通过Vue CLI,读者可以快速设置项目结构、安装依赖,以及集成所需的构建工具,实现自动化开发流程。 6. 轻松入门:对于初次接触SPA JavaScript框架的新手,Vue.js以其简单易学的特点,只需少量参考文档和定制JavaScript代码,就能迅速构建出完整的应用。 《Getting to Know Vue.js》是一本实用的指南,适合希望通过Vue.js入门并逐步精通的开发者,无论是为了满足日常项目需求,还是想要深入了解前端框架的工作原理,都能从中获益匪浅。通过跟随书中的步骤,读者不仅能学会如何编写高效的Vue应用,还能建立起良好的编程习惯和最佳实践。"
2018-09-02 上传
Learn how to render lists of items without repeating your code structure and how to work with conditional rendering items and event handling. Containing all you need to know to get started with Vue.js, this book will take you through using build tools (transpile to ES5), creating custom components, state management, and routers. With Getting to Know Vue.js, you’ll see how to combine reusable code with custom components, allowing you to create snippets of reusable code to suit your specific business needs. You’ll also explore how to use Single File Components and the Vue.js Command Line Interface (CLI) to build components in a single file and add in build tools as you see fit. Getting started with a new Single Page Application (SPA) JavaScript framework can be an overwhelming task, but Vue.js makes this daunting task simple and easy to learn, allowing you to start implementing business needs with just a script reference to the library and the custom JavaScript required for your use case. Starting with a little reference and a handful of lines of custom JavaScript, you will have a complete Single Page Application before you know it. What You’ll Learn Examine Vue.js templating syntax Work with binding methods Manage the state of your app by comparing your options of building a data store Adapt the more robust options compatible with Vue.js Review different router options, including creating your own router, using the Vue-router and using Page.js. Who This Book Is For Software developers with an understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript; prior understanding of a Single Page Application framework would be useful but not essential.
2024-12-21 上传