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Keith Chan, the Greater China Director of CNCF and Hyperledger, as well as the APAC Strategic Director of the Linux Foundation, presented a talk on "Why Open Source- the Cloud Native Story" at the main venue of an event. The focus of the presentation was on the significance and impact of open source technology in the software development industry.
Chan emphasized the importance of open source in today's tech ecosystem, highlighting how it has revolutionized the way software is developed and how it has created new opportunities for innovation and collaboration. He discussed the evolution of software development, noting that we are now in a new phase where open source is driving the creation of novel functionality and opening up new markets.
In the past, software development was focused on emulating proprietary software, leading to a smaller market and limited commercial potential. However, with the rise of open source technology, developers now have the freedom to create new value and explore new possibilities. This shift has allowed for the development of cutting-edge solutions that were previously unimaginable.
Chan's presentation underscored the transformative power of open source technology, highlighting how it has enabled a more diverse and vibrant software ecosystem. By fostering collaboration and innovation, open source has paved the way for new opportunities and has fundamentally changed the way software is developed.
Overall, Chan's talk shed light on the critical role that open source technology plays in driving the software industry forward. With its ability to create new value and open up new markets, open source is poised to continue shaping the future of software development for years to come.
2023-07-21 上传
2021-06-29 上传
115 浏览量
2008-04-28 上传
130 浏览量
2013-01-02 上传
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