CNN vs. SIFT for Image Retrieval: Alternative or
Ke Yan
, Yaowei Wang
, Dawei Liang
, Tiejun Huang
, Yonghong Tian
National Engineering Laboratory for Video Technology, School of EE&CS,
Peking University, Beijing, China
Cooperative Medianet Innovation Center, China
Department of Electronic Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
{keyan, dwliang, tjhuang, yhtian};
In the past decade, SIFT is widely used in most vision tasks
such as image retrieval. While in recent several years, deep
convolutional neural networks (CNN) features achieve the
state-of-the-art performance in several tasks such as image
classification and object detection. Thus a natural question
arises: for the image retrieval task, can CNN features sub-
stitute for SIFT? In this paper, we experimentally demon-
strate that the two kinds of features are highly complemen-
tary. Following this fact, we propose an image representa-
tion model, complementary CNN and SIFT (CCS), to fuse
CNN and SIFT in a multi-level and complementary way. In
particular, it can be used to simultaneously describe scene-
level, object-level and point-level contents in images. Ex-
tensive experiments are conducted on four image retrieval
benchmarks, and the experimental results show that our
CCS achieves state-of-the-art retrieval results.
Multi-level image representation; CNN; SIFT; Complemen-
tary CNN and SIFT (CCS)
Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) [1] has been the
most widely-used hand-crafted feature for content-based im-
age retrieval (CBIR) in the past decade. Technologically,
SIFT is intrinsically robust to geometric transformations
and shows good performance for near-duplicate image re-
trieval [2] [3]. Meanwhile, there are also many works (e.g.,
Fisher vector [4], VLAD [5] and their variants [6] [7] [8]),
that attempt to construct semantically-richer mid-level im-
age representations so as to improve the retrieval perfor-
mance. However, in spite of significant efforts, it is still
difficult to fully bridge the semantic gap between such fea-
Corresponding author: Yaowei Wang and Yonghong Tian.
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MM ’16, October 15-19, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3603-1/16/10. . . $15.00
Figure 1: The demonstration of our proposed com-
plementary CNN and SIFT (CCS). The CCS aggre-
gates three level contents, i.e., scene-level, object-
level and point-level representations.
ture representations and human’s understanding of an image
only with SIFT-based features.
Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have
achieved the state-of-the-art performance in several tasks,
such as image classification [9] [10], object detection [11] [12]
and saliency detection [13]. Compared with hand-crafted
features, CNN features learned from numerous annotated
data (e.g., ImageNet [14]) in a deep learning architecture,
carry richer high-level semantic information. Several at-
tempts in CBIR [15] [16] [17] showed that CNN features
work well for image retrieval as a scene-level representation.
Gong et al. [18] proposed an approach called Multi-scale
Orderless Pooling (MOP) to represent local information by
aggregating CNN features at three scales respectively. Kon-
da et al. [19] and Xie [20] detected object proposals
and extracted CNN features for each region at the object-
level. Besides, there are also some researchers who paid
attention to deep convolutional layers to derive representa-
tions [21] [22] [23] [24] for image retrieval. Although CNN
features achieve good performance, we can not say that C-
NN will always outperform SIFT yet. Vijay et al. [25] had
showed that no one was better than the other consistently
and the retrieval gains can be obtained by combining the
two features.