DIN EN 61850-6:2010-06
EN 61850-6:2010
• the application level communication: how data is grouped into data sets for sending, how IEDs
trigger the sending and which service they choose, which input data from other IEDs is needed;
• each IED: the logical devices configured on the IED, the logical nodes with class and type
belonging to each logical device, the reports and their data contents, the (pre-configured)
associations available; and which data shall be logged;
• instantiable logical node (LN) type definitions. The logical nodes as defined in IEC 61850-7-x have
mandatory and optional DATA (here abbreviated DO, DATA objects) as well as optional services,
and are therefore not instantiable. Further it is allowed to add user defined DATA. In this standard
therefore instantiable LNTypes and DOTypes are defined as templates, which contain the really
implemented DOs and services;
• the relations between instantiated logical nodes and their hosting IEDs on one side and the switch
yard (function) parts on the other side.
SCL allows the specification of user defined DOs as an extension of standard LN classes as well as
completely user-defined LNs according to the rules of IEC 61850-7-1. This means that the
appropriate name space attributes shall be defined in the logical node types, and their value shall
appear in the SCL file.
An SCL file describes an instance of the model in a serialized form and standardized syntax. However
its semantic can only be fully understood by reference to the model itself, i.e. it is independent from
the syntax. Clause 6 therefore gives an overview of the model by using UML notation. The following
clauses then define how an instance of the model is formally described in SCL.
The UML object model is contained in Figure 6. Note that it is not complete in the modelling sense,
it does not show any superclasses from which the used classes may be derived, or any attributes.
It restricts itself to those concrete object types that are used within a SCL instance file, in the case of
the substation-related part, mainly for the purpose of functional designation. Furthermore it does not
contain the levels below DATA (DOs), which are structurally defined in IEC 61850-7-2 and whose SCL
description is defined in the DataTypeTemplates clause.
The object model has three basic parts:
1) Substation: this part describes the switch yard equipment (process devices) in the functional view
according to IEC 81346-1, their connection on single line level (topology), and the designation of
equipment and functions;
2) Product: this stands for all SA product-related objects such as IEDs and logical node
3) Communication: this contains communication-related object types such as subnetworks and
communication access points, and describes the communication connections between IEDs as a
base for communication paths between logical nodes as clients and servers.
Additionally, the data type template section allows, in a type-oriented (i.e. reusable) way, the
specification of which data and attributes really exist in an IED. A logical node type as specified there
is an instantiable template of the data of a logical node.
More model details contained in SCL, for example the structure within the logical nodes, are
described in IEC 61850-7-x.
NormCD - Stand 2012-08