Stability and stabilization of a delayed PIDE system via SPID
Chengdong Yang
Ancai Zhang
Xiao Chen
Xiangyong Chen
Jianlong Qiu
Received: 8 December 2015 / Accepted: 30 March 2016
Ó The Natural Computing Applications Forum 2016
Abstract This paper addresses the problem of exponen-
tial stability and stabilization for a class of delayed dis-
tributed parameter systems, which is modeled by partial
integro-differential equations (PIDEs). By employing the
vector-valued Wirtinger’s inequality, the sufficient condi-
tion of exponential stability of the PIDE system with a
given decay rate is investigated. The condition is presented
by linear matrix inequality (LMIs). After that, we develop a
spatial proportional-integral-derivative state-feedback
controller that ensures the exponential stabilization of the
PIDE system in terms of LMIs. Finally, numerical exam-
ples are presented to verify the effectiveness of the pro-
posed theoretical results.
Keywords Partial integro-differential equation
Distributed parameter system Exponential stabilization
Linear matrix inequality
1 Introduction
In the area of engineering, many industrial processes are
able to be described by distributed parameter system
(DPSs), such as thermal diffusion processes, fluid, and heat
exchangers (see [1–4]). For this reason, the properties (i.g.,
stability and stabilization) of distributed parameter systems
(DPSs) have attracted a lot of attention over the past few
decades. Generally speaking, DPSs can be modeled
mathematically by partial differential equations (PDEs) or
partial integro-differential equations (PIDEs). And the
nature of infinite-dimensional DPS is different from the
finite-dimensional one. In this situation, stability analysis
and stabilization problem of DPSs is of theoretical and
practical importance, which has important potential appli-
cations in complex networks, multi-agent systems, and
logistics networks and EPC system networks [5–7].
Many researchers have paid attention to the study on the
stability and stabilization of PDE systems in the past few
years. And many control design strategies have been pre-
sented. These strategies can be classified into two types:
‘‘reduce-then-design’’ (see [1, 2, 8–17]) and ‘‘design-then-
reduce’’ (see [18–35]). The former firstly employs the
model reduction techniques to obtain the approximated
ODE models and then design the controllers based on the
derived ODE model. However, a potential drawback of the
strategy is that the truncation prior to the control design
would lead to the inherent loss of physical features of the
problem as pointed out in [29–32]. In contrast, the design-
then-reduce approach with the infinite-dimensional control
solution is then lumped for implementation purpose.
Although most literatures about the stability and stabi-
lization of DPSs modeled by PDE systems have been
presented, there are few studies devoted to these properties
of PIDE systems with the exception of the result. More
& Chengdong Yang
& Jianlong Qiu
School of Informatics, Linyi University, Linyi 276005,
People’s Republic of China
School of Automation, Southeast University,
Nanjing 210096, People’s Republic of China
School of Automobile Engineering, Linyi University,
Linyi 276005, People’s Republic of China
School of Science, Linyi University, Linyi 276005,
People’s Republic of China
Neural Comput & Applic
DOI 10.1007/s00521-016-2297-5