int main() { int item, n; Code *L=NULL; L=(Code *)malloc(sizeof(Code)); L->next=NULL; do { Menu(); printf("请输入相应数字,进行相应操作:\n"); scanf("%d", &item); system("cls"); switch(item) { case 1://录入客户积分 printf("请输入要录入的客户人数:"); scanf("%d", &n); ListCreate(L, n); getchar(); printf("\n请按任意键返回主菜单\n"); getchar(); system("cls"); break; case 2://查找客户信息 ListSearch(L); getchar(); printf("\n请按任意键返回主菜单\n"); getchar(); system("cls"); break; case 3://修改客户积分 ListModify(L); getchar(); printf("\n按任意键返回主菜单\n"); getchar(); system("cls"); break; case 4://输出所有客户积分状况 SumCode(L); getchar(); printf("\n按任意键返回主菜单\n"); getchar(); system("cls"); break; case 5://查找积分最高的客户信息 MAX(L); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("\n请按任意键返回主菜单\n"); getchar(); system("cls"); break; case 6://查看男客户占比 PRO(L); getchar(); printf("\n请按任意键返回主菜单\n"); getchar(); system("cls"); break; case 0://退出程序 printf("正在退出程序......"); exit(0); default: printf("您输入的指令不正确,请重新输入"); } printf("\n\n"); }while(item); return 0; }
时间: 2024-04-02 13:33:56 浏览: 94
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct Node{ int data; struct Node* next; }Node; Node* initList(){ Node*list=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); list -> data=0; list->next=NULL; return list;} void headInsert(Node*list,int data){ Node*node=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); Node*head=list; node->data=data; node->next=list->next; list->next=node; list->data++; } void lastInsert(Node*list,int data){ Node*head=list; Node*node=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); node->data=data; node->next=NULL; list=list->next; while(list->next){ list=list->next; } list->data=node; list->data++; } void printList(Node*list){ list=list->next; while(list){ printf("%d",list->data); list=list->next; }printf("\n");} int main(){ Node*list=intiList(); headInsert(list,2); headInsert(list,3); headInsert(list,4); lastInsert(list,8); printList(list); return 0; }
I see that there is a typo in your code. In the `main()` function, you have a typo in the line `Node*list=intiList();`. It should be `Node*list=initList();` instead.
Here's the corrected version of your code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Node {
int data;
struct Node* next;
} Node;
Node* initList() {
Node* list = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
list->data = 0;
list->next = NULL;
return list;
void headInsert(Node* list, int data) {
Node* node = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
Node* head = list;
node->data = data;
node->next = list->next;
list->next = node;
void lastInsert(Node* list, int data) {
Node* head = list;
Node* node = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
node->data = data;
node->next = NULL;
list = list->next;
while (list->next) {
list = list->next;
list->next = node;
void printList(Node* list) {
list = list->next;
while (list) {
printf("%d ", list->data);
list = list->next;
int main() {
Node* list = initList();
headInsert(list, 2);
headInsert(list, 3);
headInsert(list, 4);
lastInsert(list, 8);
return 0;
Now you should be able to compile and run your code without any syntax errors. The corrected code initializes a linked list, inserts nodes at the head and at the end, and then prints the data in the list.
优化代码:#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct LNode { int code;//存放序号 int key;//存放密码 struct LNode *next; }LNode,*LinkList; void CreatList(LinkList &L,int i)//建立有i个元素的单向循环链表 { LinkList p,s; int j; L=(LinkList)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); L->next=NULL; p=L; if(i!=0) printf("请按提示输入数据元素\n\n"); for(j=0;j<i;j++) { s=(LinkList)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); s->code=j+1; printf("请输入第%d个的密码: ",j+1); scanf("%d",&s->key); p->next=s; p=s; } p->next=L->next; } void ListDelete(LinkList &L,int i,int &e)//删除链表L中第i个元素 { LinkList p; int j; for(j=0; L && j<i-1;j++) { L=L->next; } p=L->next; e=p->key; L->next=p->next; printf("出列人的序号为%d,密码为%d\n",p->code,p->key); free(p); } int main() { LinkList L; int m,n,code; CreatList(L,0); printf("请输入总人数n:\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("请输入报数上限m:\n"); scanf("%d",&m); CreatList(L,n); code=0; while(L) { ListDelete(L,m,code); m=code; } return 0; }
1. 在输入密码时,可以将提示信息放在循环外部,只输出一次,避免每次循环都输出一次。
2. 在循环链表中,可以使用尾插法来构建链表,这样可以省去找到链表尾部的步骤。
3. 在删除链表中的第i个元素时,可以先判断i的合法性,避免出现链表为空或者i超出链表长度的情况。
4. 循环链表的遍历可以使用do-while循环,这样可以保证至少执行一次,避免链表为空时循环不执行的问题。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct LNode {
int code; // 存放序号
int key; // 存放密码
struct LNode *next;
} LNode, *LinkList;
void CreatList(LinkList &L, int i) // 建立有i个元素的单向循环链表
LinkList p, s;
int j;
L = (LinkList) malloc(sizeof(LNode));
L->next = L;
if (i != 0) {
p = L;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
s = (LinkList) malloc(sizeof(LNode));
s->code = j + 1;
printf("请输入第%d个的密码: ", j + 1);
scanf("%d", &s->key);
p->next = s;
p = s;
p->next = L;
void ListDelete(LinkList &L, int i, int &e) // 删除链表L中第i个元素
LinkList p, q;
int j;
if (i < 1) {
for (j = 0, p = L; p->next != L && j < i - 1; j++) {
p = p->next;
if (p->next == L || j > i - 1) {
q = p->next;
e = q->key;
p->next = q->next;
printf("出列人的序号为%d,密码为%d\n", q->code, q->key);
int main()
LinkList L;
int m, n, code;
CreatList(L, 0);
scanf("%d", &n);
scanf("%d", &m);
CreatList(L, n);
code = 0;
do {
ListDelete(L, m % n, code);
m = code;
} while (L->next != L);
return 0;