时间: 2024-05-25 11:19:31 浏览: 171
mtpa算法的 永磁同步电机
%% Parameter Identification
% Motor parameters
Ld = 0.001; % d-axis inductance
Lq = 0.0015; % q-axis inductance
Rs = 0.05; % stator resistance
J = 0.01; % moment of inertia
B = 0.1; % friction coefficient
% Sampling time
Ts = 0.001;
% Load torque
Tl = 0;
% Initial conditions
theta0 = 0;
omega0 = 0;
% Input voltage
Vd = 24;
Vq = 0;
% Simulation time
t = 0:Ts:10;
% Data collection
theta = zeros(1,length(t));
omega = zeros(1,length(t));
id = zeros(1,length(t));
iq = zeros(1,length(t));
for i = 1:length(t)
% Motor dynamics
[theta(i), omega(i), id(i), iq(i)] = motor_dynamics(theta0, omega0, id(i-1), iq(i-1), Vd, Vq, Tl, Ld, Lq, Rs, J, B, Ts);
% Data update
theta0 = theta(i);
omega0 = omega(i);
% Parameter identification
[pLd, pLq, pRs, pJ, pB] = motor_id(theta, omega, id, iq, Ts);
% MTPA control
% Target speed
omega_ref = 100;
% Initial conditions
theta0 = 0;
omega0 = 0;
id0 = 0;
iq0 = 0;
% Simulation time
t = 0:Ts:10;
% Data collection
theta = zeros(1,length(t));
omega = zeros(1,length(t));
id = zeros(1,length(t));
iq = zeros(1,length(t));
Vd = zeros(1,length(t));
Vq = zeros(1,length(t));
for i = 1:length(t)
% MTPA control
[Vd(i), Vq(i), id(i), iq(i)] = mtpa_control(theta0, omega0, id0, iq0, omega_ref, pLd, pLq, pRs, J, B, Ts);
% Motor dynamics
[theta(i), omega(i), id(i), iq(i)] = motor_dynamics(theta0, omega0, id(i), iq(i), Vd(i), Vq(i), Tl, Ld, Lq, Rs, J, B, Ts);
% Data update
theta0 = theta(i);
omega0 = omega(i);
id0 = id(i);
iq0 = iq(i);
% Plot results
plot(t, theta);
title('Rotor Angle');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Angle (rad)');
plot(t, omega);
hold on;
plot(t, omega_ref*ones(1,length(t)), '--');
title('Rotor Speed');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Speed (rad/s)');
plot(t, id);
title('d-Axis Current');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Current (A)');
plot(t, iq);
title('q-Axis Current');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Current (A)');
plot(t, Vd);
title('d-Axis Voltage');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Voltage (V)');
plot(t, Vq);
title('q-Axis Voltage');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Voltage (V)');
% Motor dynamics function
function [theta, omega, id, iq] = motor_dynamics(theta0, omega0, id0, iq0, Vd, Vq, Tl, Ld, Lq, Rs, J, B, Ts)
% Calculate currents
id = id0 + Ts*(Vd - Rs*id0 + omega0*iq0 - Tl)/Ld;
iq = iq0 + Ts*(Vq - Rs*iq0 - omega0*id0)/Lq;
% Calculate torque
Te = 1.5*(Ld-Lq)*id*iq;
% Calculate acceleration
alpha = (Te - B*omega0)/J;
% Update angle and speed
theta = theta0 + Ts*omega0;
omega = omega0 + Ts*alpha;
% Parameter identification function
function [Ld, Lq, Rs, J, B] = motor_id(theta, omega, id, iq, Ts)
% Calculate d-axis inductance
Ld = (theta(end)-theta(1))/(omega(end)*Ts*id(end));
% Calculate q-axis inductance
Lq = (theta(end)-theta(1))/(omega(end)*Ts*iq(end));
% Calculate stator resistance
Rs = (id(end)^2*R + iq(end)^2*R)/(2*id(end)*iq(end)*Ts*omega(end));
% Calculate moment of inertia
J = (Te(end) - B*omega(end))/alpha(end);
% Calculate friction coefficient
B = (Te(end) - J*alpha(end))/omega(end)^2;
% MTPA control function
function [Vd, Vq, id, iq] = mtpa_control(theta, omega, id, iq, omega_ref, Ld, Lq, Rs, J, B, Ts)
% Calculate target current
id_ref = Ld*omega_ref/(2*Rs);
iq_ref = 0;
% Calculate error
id_error = id - id_ref;
iq_error = iq - iq_ref;
% Calculate voltage
Vd = Rs*id + Lq*omega*iq + Ld*id_error/Ts;
Vq = Rs*iq - Ld*omega*id + Lq*iq_error/Ts;