时间: 2023-07-27 15:15:02 浏览: 227
5星 · 资源好评率100%
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.1415926535
int main() {
// 确定声源位置和麦克风位置
float source_x = 1.0, source_y = 2.0, source_z = 0.5;
float mic1_x = 0.0, mic1_y = 0.0, mic1_z = 0.0;
float mic2_x = 0.0, mic2_y = 3.0, mic2_z = 0.0;
// 计算声源到麦克风的距离
float dist1 = sqrt(pow(source_x - mic1_x, 2) + pow(source_y - mic1_y, 2) + pow(source_z - mic1_z, 2));
float dist2 = sqrt(pow(source_x - mic2_x, 2) + pow(source_y - mic2_y, 2) + pow(source_z - mic2_z, 2));
// 计算声源到麦克风的方向角度
float angle1 = atan2(source_y - mic1_y, source_x - mic1_x) * 180 / PI;
float angle2 = atan2(source_y - mic2_y, source_x - mic2_x) * 180 / PI;
// 输出结果
printf("The distance between source and mic1 is %.2f\n", dist1);
printf("The distance between source and mic2 is %.2f\n", dist2);
printf("The angle between source and mic1 is %.2f degrees\n", angle1);
printf("The angle between source and mic2 is %.2f degrees\n", angle2);
return 0;