解释这段计算代码运行时间的代码t=(double)(second-first) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC

时间: 2024-03-07 15:51:47 浏览: 18
这段代码的作用是计算程序运行的时间。其中,`first` 是程序开始运行时的 CPU 时间,`second` 是程序结束运行时的 CPU 时间。`CLOCKS_PER_SEC` 是系统常量,表示每秒钟的时钟周期数。代码中首先将 `second` 和 `first` 的差值转换成 `double` 类型,然后除以 `CLOCKS_PER_SEC`,得到程序运行的时间,单位为秒。最终的结果赋值给变量 `t`。

t=(double)(second-first) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC

这个代码段的作用是计算程序运行的时间。其中,`first` 是程序开始运行时的 CPU 时间,`second` 是程序结束运行时的 CPU 时间。`CLOCKS_PER_SEC` 是系统常量,表示每秒钟的时钟周期数。代码中首先将 `second` 和 `first` 的差值转换成 `double` 类型,然后除以 `CLOCKS_PER_SEC`,得到程序运行的时间,单位为秒。最终的结果赋值给变量 `t`。

double elapsed_time = ((double)(end_time - start_time)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;解析代码

这段代码计算了程序运行的时间。具体解析如下: 1. `end_time - start_time` 计算出程序运行所消耗的 CPU 时钟数。 2. `(double)(end_time - start_time)` 强制将结果转换为浮点数类型。 3. `CLOCKS_PER_SEC` 是一个常量,表示每秒钟 CPU 计时器的“嘀嗒”次数。 4. `(double)(end_time - start_time)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC` 计算出程序运行的时间,单位是秒。 5. 最终将结果赋值给 `elapsed_time` 变量,即程序运行的时间。


给出下列代码在OpenCL中的运行结果:#include "stdio.h" #include <xmmintrin.h> // Need this for SSE compiler intrinsics #include <math.h> // Needed for sqrt in CPU-only version #include <time.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { printf("Starting calculation...\n"); const int length = 64000; // We will be calculating Y = SQRT(x) / x, for x = 1->64000 // If you do not properly align your data for SSE instructions, you may take a huge performance hit. float *pResult = (float*) _aligned_malloc(length * sizeof(float), 16); // align to 16-byte for SSE __m128 x; __m128 xDelta = _mm_set1_ps(4.0f); // Set the xDelta to (4,4,4,4) __m128 *pResultSSE = (__m128*) pResult; const int SSELength = length / 4; clock_t clock1=clock(); #define TIME_SSE // Define this if you want to run with SSE #ifdef TIME_SSE // lots of stress loops so we can easily use a stopwatch for (int stress = 0; stress < 1000; stress++) { // Set the initial values of x to (4,3,2,1) x = _mm_set_ps(4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f); for (int i=0; i < SSELength; i++) { __m128 xSqrt = _mm_sqrt_ps(x); // Note! Division is slow. It's actually faster to take the reciprocal of a number and multiply // Also note that Division is more accurate than taking the reciprocal and multiplying #define USE_DIVISION_METHOD #ifdef USE_FAST_METHOD __m128 xRecip = _mm_rcp_ps(x); pResultSSE[i] = _mm_mul_ps(xRecip, xSqrt); #endif //USE_FAST_METHOD #ifdef USE_DIVISION_METHOD pResultSSE[i] = _mm_div_ps(xSqrt, x); #endif // USE_DIVISION_METHOD // Advance x to the next set of numbers x = _mm_add_ps(x, xDelta); } } clock_t clock2=clock(); printf("SIMDtime:%d ms\n",1000*(clock2-clock1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif // TIME_SSE #define TIME_NoSSE #ifdef TIME_NoSSE clock_t clock3=clock(); // lots of stress loops so we can easily use a stopwatch for (int stress = 0; stress < 1000; stress++) { clock_t clock3=clock(); float xFloat = 1.0f; for (int i=0 ; i < length; i++) { // Even though division is slow, there are no intrinsic functions like there are in SSE pResult[i] = sqrt(xFloat) / xFloat; xFloat += 1.0f; } } clock_t clock4=clock(); printf("noSIMDtime:%d ms\n",1000*(clock4-clock3)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif // TIME_noSSE return 0; }   

分析一下这段代码:#include "stdio.h" #include<xmmintrin.h> //Need this for SSE compiler intrinsics #include<math.h> //Needed for sqrt in CPU-only version #include<time.h> int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { printf("Starting calculation...\n"); const int length=64000; //We will be calculating Y=SQRT(x)/x, for x=1->64000 //If you do not properly align your data for SSE instructions, you may take a huge performance hit. float *pResult=(float *)_aligned_malloc(length*sizeof(float),16); //align to 16-byte for SSE __m128 x; __m128 xDelta=_mm_set1_ps(4.0f); //Set the xDelta to (4,4,4,4) __m128 *pResultSSE=(__m128 *)pResult; const int SSELength=length/4; clock_t clock1=clock(); #define TIME_SSE //Define this if you want to run with SSE #ifdef TIME_SSE //lots of stress loops so we can easily use a stopwatch for(int stress=0;stress<1000;stress++) { //Set the initial values of x to (4,3,2,1) x=_mm_set_ps(4.0f,3.0f,2.0f,1.0f); for(int i=0; i<SSELength; i++) { __m128 xSqrt=_mm_sqrt_ps(x); //Note! Division is slow. It's actually faster to take the reciprocal of a number and multiply //Also note that Division is more accurate than taking the reciprocal and multiplying #define USE_DIVISION_METHOD #ifdef USE_FAST_METHOD _m128 xRecip=_mm_rcp_ps(x); pResultSSE[i]=_mm_mul_ps(xRecip,xSqrt); #endif //USE_FAST_METHOD #ifdef USE_DIVISION_METHOD pResultSSE[i]=_mm_div_ps(xSqrt,x); #endif //USE_DIVISION_METHOD //Advance x to the next set of numbers x=_mm_add_ps(x,xDelta); } } clock_t clock2=clock(); printf("SIMDtime:%d ms\n",1000*(clock2-clock1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif //TIME_SSE #define TIME_noSSE #ifdef TIME_noSSE clock_t clock3=clock(); //lots of stress loops so we can easily use a stopwatch for(int stress=0;stress<1000;stress++) { clock_t clock3=clock(); float xFloat=1.0f; for(int i=0;i<length;i++) { //Even though division is slow,there are no intrinsic functions like there are in SSE pResult[i]=sqrt(xFloat)/xFloat; xFloat+=1.0f; } } clock_t clock4=clock(); printf("noSIMDtime:%d ms\n",1000*(clock4-clock3)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif //TIME_noSSE return 0; }

class SR_net { public: SR_net(string path, vector<int> input_size, bool fp32, bool cuda = true); private: vector<int64_t> Gdims; int Gfp32; Env env = Env(ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_ERROR, "RRDB"); SessionOptions session_options = SessionOptions(); Session* Gsession = nullptr; vector<const char*> Ginput_names; vector<const char*> Goutput_names; vector<int> Ginput_size = {}; }; SR_net::SR_net(string path, vector<int> input_size, bool fp32, bool cuda) { this->Ginput_size = input_size; this->Gfp32 = fp32; clock_t startTime_, endTime_; startTime_ = clock(); session_options.SetIntraOpNumThreads(6); if (cuda) { OrtCUDAProviderOptions cuda_option; cuda_option.device_id = 0; cuda_option.arena_extend_strategy = 0; cuda_option.cudnn_conv_algo_search = OrtCudnnConvAlgoSearchExhaustive; cuda_option.gpu_mem_limit = SIZE_MAX; cuda_option.do_copy_in_default_stream = 1; session_options.AppendExecutionProvider_CUDA(cuda_option); } wstring widestr = wstring(path.begin(), path.end()); this->Gsession = new Session(env, widestr.c_str(), this->session_options); this->session_options.SetGraphOptimizationLevel(GraphOptimizationLevel::ORT_ENABLE_ALL); AllocatorWithDefaultOptions allocator; this->Ginput_names = { "input" }; this->Goutput_names = { "output" }; endTime_ = clock(); cout << " The model loading time is:" << (double)(endTime_ - startTime_) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl; } int main() { vector<int> input_shape = {}; SR_net net("E:/prj/SR_C/onnx_file/rrdb_full.onnx", input_shape, true, true); },在这段代码中,我如何把SR_net net("E:/prj/SR_C/onnx_file/rrdb_full.onnx", input_shape, true, true);这一行写到主函数的外面?





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在 Unity 中创建按钮的步骤如下: 1. 在 Unity 中创建一个 UI Canvas,选择 GameObject -> UI -> Canvas。 2. 在 Canvas 中创建一个按钮,选择 GameObject -> UI -> Button。 3. 在场景视图中调整按钮的位置和大小。 4. 在 Inspector 中设置按钮的文本、颜色、字体等属性。 5. 添加按钮的响应事件,选择按钮,在 Inspector 的 On Click () 中添加相应的方法。 这样就可以创建一个按钮了,你可以在游戏中使用它来触发相应的操作。

JSBSim Reference Manual



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