时间: 2023-06-12 19:02:09 浏览: 151
Thymeleaf is a server-side templating engine for Java. It is not designed to be used within client-side JavaScript code. However, you can use Thymeleaf to generate JavaScript code that can be executed on the client-side.
To handle object lists in JavaScript using Thymeleaf, you can use the Thymeleaf `th:each` expression to iterate over the list and generate JavaScript code for each object in the list. The generated JavaScript code can then be included in your HTML file and executed on the client-side.
Here's an example:
<script th:inline="javascript">
var objList = [
/*[# th:each="obj : ${objectList}"]*/
In this example, `objectList` is a list of objects that you want to process in JavaScript. The Thymeleaf `th:each` expression iterates over the list and generates JavaScript code for each object in the list, which is then added to the `objList` array.
Note that the JavaScript code is wrapped in a CDATA section to avoid parsing errors in certain browsers. Additionally, the `th:inline="javascript"` attribute tells Thymeleaf to process the JavaScript code in the file.